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May 6-8th at the DC Convention Center
The DC Green Festival is back for our 12th year in DC! Join us at the DC Convention Center May 6-8th and enjoy a local vegan/vegetarian food court, over 200 sustainable and 'green' businesses and a special viewing of COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret. DC Festival Tickets Here
Ian Fisk, Executive Director - 
William James Foundation

Ian helped launch the AmeriCorps*VISTA Entrepreneur Corps and design the federal database of AmeriCorps members. An active champion of Net Impact, he has been recognized as a success story and a distinguished member. More info here, check back for a full updated list!
Do you know a nonprofit in your area that could use a free grant?
The Green Festival Community Award provides a $5,000 grant to the best community project selected by attendees before and during Green Festival. The awards are presented at each Green Festival event. 
To be considered for the award, you must be a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and within a 60 mile radius of the specified city: New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco or Portland.
***DC Deadline is Monday April 4th! Apply Here
Since 2010, Green Child has published a digital magazine devoted to natural parenting and conscious living. Hailed as “good for a green mama’s soul,” Green Child has grown into a resource valued by parents who care about bringing simplicity, compassion, social responsibility, and instinctual intelligence back to parenting. We’re delighted to partner with Green Festivals throughout 2016!
My Area Yoga is an online directory, calendar, blog, and information hub for the wellness and yoga community. Currently offering service in Chicago, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia; our mission is to be the most comprehensive online resource for the local communities. Find events, yoga studios, teacher trainings, retreats and more.

Grilled Eggplant Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette #pinterest 

Spirituality & Health magazine offers in-depth wisdom teachings and an exploration of alternative health practices. Learn to foster connection to self, others and the natural world with the latest health research, practical advice on nurturing a conscious lifestyle, and inspiring personal essays. Interviews have included Elizabeth Gilbert, Matthieu Ricard, Jane Goodall, Jack Kornfield and more.
Green Festival fans claim your One FREE issue here.

The journey back to health and holistic living can be rewarding and challenging. RAW! on Wheels & Gaia Health Principle have partnered to guide you along the way. Our hands-on coaching and creatively delicious plant-based foods will encourage long-term changes and healthy habits you can eventually manage. Consider us your accountability partners; here to keep you aligned with your goals.
 Sign language interpreters are available.
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Green Festivals, Inc.
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Suite 101
Asheville, NC 28801

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