As we approach the one year anniversary of Muskegon Daily Deals—the newest and largest Daily Deals to date—we are celebrating. Celebrating awesome customers (that's you), great deals, and simply...creating an enjoyable excuse for fun.

Join us at any of the five Daily Deals locations, and on Facebook, through Sunday 11/1/20 for your chance win with scratch off giveaways, Facebook giveaways, and yes…grocery shopping spree giveaways. Here is the skinny…

Stop in. Get a scratch off coupon. It’s that simple. Each customer to visit ANY of the five Daily Deals locations between Saturday 10/24/20 and Sunday 11/1/20 can receive a scratch off coupon for future use. Every card is a winner…but don't scratch yet!

To redeem, you will want to return to Daily Deals with your unscratched card between Monday 11/2/20 and Sunday 11/15/20. During your transaction, scratch off in front of your cashier to reveal your offer.
Daily Deals is doing five consecutive days of giveaways on Facebook—a small thank you to our awesome social community (be sure to follow Daily Deals Food Outlet if you don’t already). Keep an eye out for daily giveaways Monday 10/26/20 through Friday 10/30/20. Sure to make the winners' pantries and pocketbooks happy.
You are likely already a seasoned pro at grocery shopping...but what happens when we start a timer? Let's find out! We are super excited to present the first ever DDASH Shopping Spree Giveaway! An in-person, timed, fill-your-cart-fast shopping spree.
Enter for your chance to win at ANY of the five Daily Deals locations between Saturday 10/24/20 and Sunday 11/1/20. Winners will get to shop (and spree?) at Muskegon Daily Deals—the newest and largest Daily Deals to date—on Saturday 11/7/20. 

Visit for all the details.

We. Can't. Wait.