Help fuel the resistance.


Sen. Mitch Connell says the Save the Internet Act is "dead on arrival" in the Senate. We say BLAH BLAH BLAH we've heard that before... and we've beat the odds before.

Help us flex some people-power muscle to once again save Net Neutrality: Chip in $5 or whatever you can to fuel the fight to pass the Save the Net Act. đź’Ş



Free Press Action
It's time for Sen. McConnell to hear from Team Internet.


“Dead on arrival,” Sen. McConnell told reporters about the Save The Internet Act.1

Oh yeah?

That’s the same thing we were told in 2014 when the FCC was waffling on Net Neutrality.

That’s the same thing we were told last year when the Senate was considering the Net Neutrality CRA.

And just like then, we know better than to let Team Cable intimidate us.

Help us prove Team Cable wrong and deliver another grassroots miracle by passing the Save The Internet Act in the Senate: Chip in $5 to fuel the fight.

How do we make another miracle? We get BUSY:

  • We’re organizing Net Neutrality Heroes, a team of badass activists spreading the word in their communities across the country.
  • We drive calls, petition signatures, and in-person visits to the offices of senators, especially those on the fence and in tight election races.
  • We amplify the voices of those most impacted, especially communities of color, queer folks, religious minorities, veterans, small business owners and students.
  • We let lawmakers know that NOVEMBER IS COMING; we won’t forget their cruelty if they fail us on this bill.

Turn up the heat on the Senate: Donate $5 or whatever you can now to supercharge the grassroots fight to pass the Save the Internet Act.

The phone and cable industry has given at least $101 million2 to sitting members of Congress and their PACs over the past 30 years. Comcast alone made $94 billion in revenue last year.3 In other words, they make our whole annual budget every 30 minutes.

Free Press Action refuses to take money from business, government or political parties. We’ve won plenty of battles on pure people power, and we ain’t stopping now.

Dear Mitch McConnell: You’ve built a career on ignoring the will of the people. But you can’t ignore Team Internet.

Use your donation to send a message to McConnell: GAME ON.

Thanks for all that you do,

Collette, Candace, Carrie and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Sen. McConnell and other lawmakers on Team Cable think they can scare us. But we aren’t afraid; we’re fired up. Pitch in $10 — or whatever you can — to help win the fight for real Net Neutrality.

1. “McConnell: Net neutrality bill 'dead on arrival' in Senate,” April 9, 2019, The Hill:

2. “The 265 Members of Congress Who Sold You Out to ISPs, and How Much It Cost to Buy Them,” March 29, 2017, The Verge:

3. “Comcast Corporation Form 10-K Annual Report,” filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Jan. 23, 2019:

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