Dear John,
The deadline has been extended to get your ad in TWICEâs Top 100 CE Retailers Report. This ad deadline for this highly anticipated issue is now May 8th. If youâre already in, youâve made the right decision. But if youâre not, you can call me to reserve your space.
The Twice Top 100 CE Retailers Report, produced in conjunction with our partners at The Stevenson Company, is the first look at the financial performance of the nationâs top retailers.
As such, this exclusive proprietary data is a must-read for all attached to the consumer technology and electronics retail space. The content is absorbed by the entire CE ecosystem, including the investment community who monitor this important sector. The information conveyed in this report is a bell weather for general health of the US economy.
Your brand in this issue is sure to be seen and acted upon by key customers.
Again, the ad close has been extended until Monday, 5.8 (issue date 5.22.17) so reserve space right now by calling me at 917.281.4725 or booking a time to speak on my calendar.
Ed Hecht
VP/Group Publisher | EHecht@nbmedia.com
Office: 917.281.4725 | Cell: 646.430.1800
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New York, NY 10016