WardsAuto Dealer 5

FEBRUARY 24, 2025


Dealers Expand Revenue Stream with Work-Truck Sales
Unlike retail buyers who generally purchase vehicles sporadically, commercial customers are usually repeat buyers, reports CBT News.


Auto Market Thrives Despite Rising Inventories, Economic and Political Pressures

New-vehicle sales projected to rise 8.1%, setting consumer-spending record, reports J.D. Power.

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Carvana's Profits Stall
Carvana's lower gross profit per vehicle and shrinking wholesale volumes for the latest quarter slows its turnaround, reports The Detroit News.


Attention F&I Managers - Insurance Rates to Rise
Insurance Journal reports the expected rate increases are due to claim frequency and severity.


Mitsubishi Expands U.S. Auto Dealer Network
Walser Automotive Group, ranked the 26th largest auto dealer group in the U.S., joins the automaker.