11,407 people have taken this course

Navigating a relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable can be deeply painful and damaging to your self-esteem. Only when you're able to speak your truth, regardless of how your partner reacts, are you able to regain your sense of self and communicate in a way that is loving and open. By embracing your authentic voice, you can create deeper connections and give your significant other the environment for them to grow and share as well. Whether you end up following separate paths or improving your partnership, you will both become healthier and more emotionally available.

Moving Forward With Compassion

Many people do not realize that having a detached or distant partner does not have to signal the end of a relationship. It is possible to heal and move forward together. This 10-day course will help you identify the signs and causes of emotional unavailability and lead you through the beautiful inner process of self-study that nurtures change and compassion. In these nurturing lessons, which include restorative meditation and journaling exercises, you will experience a loving transformation that will strengthen your connection and foster lasting intimacy in both of your hearts.

What is included in this course:
  • Ten lessons on identifying the different signs, forms, and causes of emotional unavailability, as well as how to address them when they appear in your partner or yourself.
  • Journaling prompts to unpack your personal story and observe your ego-self to reflect on your experiences more objectively.
  • Insights on how to practice more forgiveness, welcome humility, and offer more empathy.
  • Helpful tools for approaching difficult conversations, explaining personal feelings, and effective conflict resolution practices you can implement now and well into the future.
  • Guided meditations to give and receive more kindness and gratitude in order to create more meaningful connections and deepen your love with others.
  • Expert advice on how to manage expectations and practice more acceptance that will inspire you to embrace more authenticity.
Who should take this course:
  • Anyone wanting to understand the signs of emotional unavailability and repair them within themselves or others.
  • Those seeking to foster mutual openness, vulnerability, and connection.
  • People that would like to reflect on their thought patterns and interactions so they can mindfully speak from their soul.
  • Individuals looking for healthy communication strategies and self-care practices to create more depth and meaning in their relationships.
  • A person who would like to experience more acceptance, kindness, and forgiveness.
  • Singles or couples who would benefit from nurturing and supportive advice that they can use to create stronger connections.
This course is an invitation to a transformational process of healing. Whether you are currently in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable partner, or struggling with your own emotional unavailability, you will learn in step-by-step lessons how to carefully release emotional blockages and move toward a joyful, meaningful relationship. You need only your courage and curiosity to begin!

What Others Are Saying

"Incredibly eye opening and profound. It really helped me put the missing pieces together on how I fit into the dysfunction of the relationship. Great learning experience. Wish I had these lessons many years ago. A great point to be able to move on from. New beginnings with a fresh start." -Deborah

"Wow! What a course. The blocked feelings are becoming unblocked and I am understanding so much now. For the man I love but also towards unavailable parents when I was young. This is seriously good medicine!" -Brigette

"I love this deep and meaningful course. Knowing that healing can come when we open up to our vulnerability and create a space for ourselves and our partners to be real and present to the love, pain, and fear in and around us. I have no doubt I got a lot from this course. I already feel a great relief learning how emotional unavailability can be transformed into sweet intimacy!" -Brooke

"This lesson has been very helpful and informative. I appreciate the wealth of knowledge and to realize that I'm not alone in this process. I've been through my share of trauma my entire life and I'm now ready to dissolve it and let it go. I want to start a new life with joy and a deep connection to all life and the people around me who love and care for me as I do for them!" -Carlos

"I took this course a year and a half after my now ex-wife became emotionally unavailable to me. I have tackled minor blind spots since then but I discerned the same patterns emerging again in my social behaviour and lack of involvement. What I gained from this course is some insight and to disarm myself and break down the walls before Cupido strikes again." -Leon

"I am taking this as a post divorce learning session. Unfortunately my wife and I could not work through the emotional unavailability in our marriage. So, taking this course is making me a better person as well as maybe getting a better understanding of how the marriage could go unfixable? Moving forward I know it will find me again, as long as I am open to receive and return in kind." -Terry

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration excerpt which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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