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Quick and Dirty Tips
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How to Treat Insomnia: 7 Common Medication Options

In last week's episode, How to Treat Insomnia: 10 Medication-Free Tips, I discussed the 8 most common potential causes of insomnia. These include Restless Legs Syndrome, sleep apnea, certain medications, other medical conditions, and so forth.

However, if you and your doctor have ruled out various health conditions that can be causing or exacerbating your insomnia, if you've attempted at least a few relaxation techniques at bedtime, and you've truly implemented the changes discussed in my prior episode but are still having difficulty functioning during the daytime as a result of your lack of sleep, then it may be time to consider medication treatment options.

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5+ Cute, Creative Gift-wrapping Tips for the Holidays

The way we wrap and present our packages can be just as much fun as buying the gifts themselves. Here are several clever and festive wrapping ideas for all your gift-giving needs.

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10 Best Ways to Lower Your Bills Now

Whether you need quick ways to cut expenses ahead of the holidays or just want to save more for retirement (or other financial goals), there are plenty of ways to lower your monthly bills now. Some tactics might put a few dollars back in your bank account, while others can save hundreds each year.

Whatever the goal, use use these 10 methods to cut your bills and save more money now.

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2 days ago.
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Are Nonstick Pans Safe?

Nonstick pans are extremely popular --and it's not hard to see why. Clean-up is a breeze, thanks to a special coating that keeps food from bonding to the surface of the pan. The nonstick surface also allows you to cook with less (or even no) oil or butter. But are they safe?

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2 days ago.
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15 Ways to Not Let a Party Derail Your Fitness

Parties, get togethers, or special events are a great chance to catch up with friends, cut loose, and have some fun, especially if they arrive during off training season. But, they also bring with them unscheduled overindulging. And for us fit folks with lofty race goals and big fitness plans, parties can also be a cause for fear of losing all that fitness or backsliding on our goals.

The problem is that partying (especially if it involves alcohol) can be pretty hard on the body. So here, my friends, is a blow-by-blow plan to arm yourself with the tools you need to ensure you get through each party without any added guilt, shame, lost gains, or unwanted added pounds.

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3 days ago.
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Get ready for school with one (or several!) of Grammar Girl's books. Whether you're tackling a grammar conundrum or simply need advice on crafting effective e-mails, you'll want Grammar Girl at your side. Check out Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, The Ultimate Writing Guide for Students, or one of the other many titles available. Visit the store today.
Best Wishes,
QDT Editorial Team
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