The first Republican rep has committed to signing the discharge petition.


Great news: Rep. Mike Coffman just became the first House Republican to support the CRA resolution that would restore the Net Neutrality rules.

We're closing in on our goal of getting the 218 signatures we need to move the CRA forward to a full floor vote ... but Coffman is complicating matters. He also introduced a Net Neutrality bill that could draw support away from the CRA.

Urge your rep to sign the CRA and reject any other Net Neutrality bills.



free press action fund


BREAKING: The first Republican representative has signed the discharge petition to force a vote in the House on the Net Neutrality-saving CRA!

Unfortunately, Rep. Mike Coffman also introduced a new Net Neutrality bill that could potentially undermine the CRA. That new bill can’t possibly get a vote in the House this year, let alone pass the Senate like the CRA already has. The CRA is still our best and only option this year for restoring the strong Net Neutrality rules passed in 2015.

We need to keep the pressure on in the House to remind reps that they need to sign the discharge petition and support the CRA. Supporting bills like the one Coffman introduced won’t cut it. House members need to stand with us now to pass the CRA. Will you make the call today?

There’s a very simple two-step process for any member of the House who wants to save the open internet: Sign the discharge petition to force a full vote on the Net Neutrality CRA resolution. Then, when the CRA comes to the House floor for a vote, lawmakers should vote yes.

That’s it. It’s not complicated. There’s no need and no path for new legislation right now. Members won’t be able to push a separate bill through the congressional logjam.

Call your rep today and tell them how easy it is to save Net Neutrality: Sign the discharge petition and then vote YES on the CRA!

Earlier this year a majority of senators passed their own CRA resolution to save Net Neutrality. Now it’s the House’s turn.

We’re still just about 40 votes short of bringing the CRA to a vote. Supporting new Net Neutrality legislation without also signing the discharge petition might make for a pretty press release, but that kind of superficial support alone won’t restore the open-internet rules any time soon.

Tell your member of Congress to withhold their support for any unnecessary Net Neutrality legislation. House reps should simply sign the discharge petition and support the CRA restoring the 2015 open-internet rules.

Over the years we’ve rallied to tell lawmakers that an open, accessible and affordable internet is essential to the health and well-being of our movements, our local economies and our ability to tell our own stories. Now we must come together to do it again.

In solidarity,

Adam, Lucia and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. House reps have a straightforward path to saving Net Neutrality: Urge your rep to sign the discharge petition and support the CRA when it comes to the floor for a vote!

Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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