Editor's Note: Attached below is an amazing insight from the sometimes controversial, and always thought-provoking and entertaining, Porter Stansberry…

We’ve known Porter for years. He’s a member of our extended network and a brilliant investor. He’s known for making unflinching predictions that often come to pass.

In June 2008, he warned that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were holding hundreds of billions worth of subprime liabilities and wrote that both would soon be bankrupt.

In 2010, he predicted a decade of riots, government lockdowns and rampant inflation in his ‘End of America’ video presentation. You may’ve seen it. It’s been viewed over 100 million times.

Most important, he’s got a great track record for finding opportunities in the financial markets and for seeing clearly the biggest risks. In his message below, you’ll see why the situation with the world’s energy markets today is actually both–a risk AND an opportunity. 

We’ll let him explain. Enjoy!

P.S. We count Porter as a friend and respect the quality of his work. It’s for serious investors that know what to do with a detailed explanation of a major near-term investment opportunity… 

Porter Stansberry Reveals the
Trade of the Decade…


On October 27, the CEO of New England’s largest energy company sent a desperate letter to the White House. 

"This represents a serious public health and safety threat," Eversource CEO Joe Nolan wrote in a letter to President Joe Biden.

He then begged Joe Biden to use the federal government's emergency powers to make sure natural gas will be available in New England this winter.

There’s only one problem

There’s nothing Biden or anyone can do at this point. All available natural gas is on its way to Europe.

When large parts of New England go dark and freeze this winter, a lot of people will call it a shocking natural disaster. Or they’ll say it was because Russia invaded Ukraine.

But cities don’t go dark and freeze in the wealthiest country in the world by accident.

My name is Porter Stansberry. I’m the founder of one of the world’s largest financial research firms. 

I’ve spent the last two years researching this coming crisis. I’ve been writing about it in my newsletter, The Big Secret on Wall Street, since June…

And now that this crisis is set to unfold, exactly the way I’ve been predicting, I’ve uploaded an eye-opening video that tells the whole sordid tale. I name names in it. And I reveal who caused this crisis, and why… 
Do yourself a favor. Before it’s taken offline – which could happen at any time – check out this shocking video.

I’ve seen in the past just how far powerful people will go to silence me. 

Porter Stansberry 

P.S. In the video, about halfway through, I reveal a way you could make 10-50x returns on an American energy company that’s set to go up like a moonshot if the lights go out in Boston this winter…

Don’t miss this: CLICK HERE.

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