Your Power to Save
June 2017

Join the thousands of New Jersey homeowners, businesses and municipalities that have taken advantage of incentives offered by New Jersey's Clean Energy Program™. These programs provide opportunities for you to save energy, money and help protect our climate and shoreline.

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Check out the latest list of rebates and promotions.

Consider this, as temperatures rise the wooden frames of our homes begin to expand - allowing for an increase in moisture and also in the number of openings or gaps within the seal or envelope of the home. Every drafty area in the winter is a new crevice a living organism can creep through, searching for food to replenish the colony. If ants deposit and navigate using chemical scent trails, how will you keep insects from entering your home? 
While there are many different techniques to evict these unwanted guests, why not take a comprehensive approach and combat energy usage at the same time? With Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® your home will be assessed by a certified contractor to determine if there is proper insulation, any gaps in the exterior (the seal) of the home, and any ventilation issues that may lead to poor indoor air quality. A thorough assessment is the best way to evaluate how fortified your home is using special diagnostic tools and software to make recommendations specific to your needs. Let us help you get the work done with rebates and a low-interest loan! Learn More 

High temperatures are on the horizon, stay cool without the shock value of a high utility bill:
  • Illuminate your home with a cooler bulb: LED'S transfer less heat from the bulb to the atmosphere and cost 75%-80% less energy to produce the same amount of light.
  • Make the most of ceiling fans: Use the blades to create a cool breeze in a counterclockwise direction. If you raise your thermostat by only two degrees and use your ceiling fan, your cooling costs could be lowered by up to 14% over the course of the cooling season. 
  • Size your window unit a/c: An over-sized unit isn't as effective and wastes energy at the same time.  A/C's remove both heat and humidity from the air, but if the unit is too large, the room will cool quickly but only remove some of the humidity. Use this sizing calculator to properly fit the area you want cooled. 
  • Use appliances wisely: Consider these tips: A refrigerator in an uncooled space uses more energy on hot summer days. Unplug your second refrigerator in the garage and use only when necessary.  Use your dishwasher instead of hand washing. And, remember running a dehumidifier forces your A/C to work harder.
  • Pre-program your thermostat: Each degree set above 72 degree will save you three percent on energy costs.
Learn more about additional summer saving tips.

Insulation keeps your home warm in colder weather and cooler during warmer temperatures. The impact on insulation is to slow the transfer of heat between two spaces: interior of your home vs. exterior of your home. 
Depending on the type of insulation material used, like foil or fiberglass, will determine how the material prevents heat from transferring between the spaces. Materials that trap air prevent air molecules from moving across the insulation barrier. Materials like foil, which use its' reflective surface, deflect heat back from where it came.  
Proper levels and types of insulation in key areas of the home - loft and walls - will create a strong barrier and prevent you from running your A/C at lower temperatures and/or more than you have to. With a proper home assessment and incentives up to $4,000, a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR contractor is your best bet to ensure you are properly cooling your home at the lowest cost. 


The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and its Clean Energy Program are pleased to share the following news:   
  • The Board is proud to serve New Jersey Comfort Partners Program customers. On May 23rd, New Jersey auditing and weatherization teams hosted Richard Mroz, President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, and Ralph Izzo, CEO of PSE&G at two customer homes in Trenton, New Jersey. 
  • On May 31, Picatinny Arsenal was one of eight projects approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (Board). The Board continues its' energy conservation efforts providing eight projects with incentives totaling over $8 million and will yield in total annual energy cost savings of over $3.1 million. Learn more.
  • Elizabethtown Gas is proud to offer energySMART, a program designed to help you conserve energy, reduce your carbon footprint and save on your energy bills without sacrificing comfort, style or convenience.  Combined with programs and incentives from NJ's Clean Energy Program, Elizabethtown Gas is helping to make energy efficiency affordable! Learn more
  • Hey South Jersey, are you a HVAC contractor and looking to understand Manual J&S or proper HVAC commissioning? More details
    • June 22nd, Eastern Heating & Cooling Council hosts HVAC commissioning in Mount Laurel, NJ.
    • June 29th, South Jersey Gas hosts Manual J & S training session at Johnstone Supply in Pleasantville, NJ.
  • Calling all baseball fans! NJCEP will be at the Somerset Patriots games on: June 23rd and 29th and July 7th.  On July 28th, NJCEP will be at the Lakewood Blue Claws! Visit our table for special gifts and to find out more about NJCEP.  For additional dates, click here
Check out the latest list of rebates and promotions.

We're Here to Help

About the New Jersey Clean Energy Program (NJCEP):

Provides financial and other incentives to the State's residential customers, businesses, local governments and schools that install high-efficiency or renewable energy technologies, thereby reducing energy usage, lowering customers' energy bills and reducing environmental impacts. In totality over the last fifteen years, New Jersey has invested more than $3.1 billion in approximately 1.5 million energy saving projects that have reduced electric use by approximately 10% - enough energy savings compounded over 15 years to power about 3.1 million homes. The program is authorized and overseen by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU), and its website is www.NJCleanEnergy.com.

Call us at 866-NJSMART (866-657-6278) for information on these and other energy-saving programs for your home or business.

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program

44 South Clinton Avenue | PO Box 350 | Trenton, NJ 08625

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program, 44 South Clinton Ave, PO Box 350, Trenton, NJ 08625
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