Hacker Noon is crowdsourcing for 50 award titles and descriptions generated by the community (you).
Since the awards are inspired by the community, you can let your creative license run wild. You can submit one suggestion, or 50, but please carry out your democratic responsibilities.
The award categories are the following:
- Decentralization
- Gaming
- Internet Heroes
- Planet Internet
- Software Development
- Technology
Here are some samples of this year’s award titles AND descriptions:
Cheeky Genius of the Year
This prestigious award is intended to celebrate the geniuses too laz-pardon me, intelligent, to deal with everyday life in a mediocre way. Have you, someone you know, or heard of, created an amazing life hack? This is the award for them.
Rick Sanchez of the Year
This prestigious award is intended to acknowledge the seemingly fine line between madness and brilliance. Sometimes having a perspective or drive that is outside the norm can be taunted and questioned. But surpassing these challenges and creating something useful, brilliant, awesome, or just genuinely hilarious is a winning way to be. Congratulations stranger, may you always be bold and quirky.