| By Jessica Williams | Capitol News Bureau Editor |
Death row: Almost all of Louisiana's 57 death row prisoners have asked Gov. John Bel Edwards to spare their lives, James Finn reports. The historic request, which sparked controversy Tuesday, comes three months after Edwards voiced his opposition to the death penalty. Read more about each of the prisoners.
Port loses out: The legislative session ended in chaos last week – and as a result, the Port of New Orleans lost out, Sam Karlin reports. About $4 million in near-term funding for the Port's new container terminal in Violet was stripped from the budget at the last minute, as lawmakers sought revenge against a colleague who didn't vote their way.
Rape kit tracking: Senate Bill 169, which requires State Police to create a centralized system to track rape kits from when they are administered at a hospital to when they are tested at a lab, is now law, Karlin reports. The law is an attempt to address a longstanding backlog of rape kit testing.