Gift Memberships | Price Changes as of 2017 | Opening Hours 
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to 1,700+ tools !

If you buy a membership in December - for yourself or someone else - your name gets entered into a draw to win an OTL t-shirt OR an OTL stainless steel water bottle. The winner will be announced on our last open evening Wedn. Dec. 21st and we will get the present to you in time for the Holidays!

Price Changes Coming Jan. 2017

Since 2015 the Ottawa Tool Library (OTL) has been lending tools at a very affordable rate. It is our mission to engage and empower the community to participate in sharing resources by providing access to tools and skills for everybody.

As the first tool library in Ottawa, much of what we’ve created at OTL is an experiment, this includes our pricing. With a full year of operation under our belt, we have realized that our pricing structure needs to evolve for us to become financially sustainable.

We believe the changes offer the best balance between the financial needs of our volunteer-driven Non-Profit Organization while ensuring our service remains accessible and inclusive.

Please click here to see our new rates.

Our New Mobile Bike Trailer Unit


Last week, many excited people built a box for our new bicycle trailer to be used for events. This box can be removed and the trailer borrowed to transport home tools. We still need to finish our mobile unit and if you want to help, come on out on Wedn. Dec. 7th from 6-8pm.

There is only one workshop left in our "Lead with Experience" series and it will be held in Janurary 2017. Sign up for a free basic computer skills workshop for older adults (55+) here.
Causeway is looking for volunteers (must be 50+) to help with a short-term project to construct window boxes for plants in their kitchen (for herbs) and Wellness Centre (to improve air quality). 
Please contact Ria at 613-725-3494 ext. 104

Did you know?

 The OTL has a 16" to 38" wood lathe, normally used to turn and shape wood along an axis (like furniture legs, bannisters, candle holders, bowls, etc). We also recently received a donated router lathe which instead carves spiral patterns (impossible on our traditional lathe) using a router. Here's a video of one in action. You can use it to add a flourish to another lathe project. Want some lathe ideas? Besides any number of amazing wood projects like handles, tree ornaments or small bowls, you can also epoxy some coloured pencils or even upcycle some CD's!

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