Repair Café | Maker Night | Awards | Humans of OTL | Wall of Fame | Holiday Hours
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Repair Café on December 9th


The Repair Café is a free public event where all will be welcome to bring one item in need of small repair to be fixed by, or discussed with, experienced fixer-volunteers. If you have spare parts, bring them along.

Who: Welcoming all supporters, members, and general public

Where: Makerspace North 250 City Centre Avenue, Bay 216

When: 11am - 5 pm (last registration of broken items at 3 pm)

What: We'll have fixers on hand for electronics, furniture, clothing, bikes, jewellery, metal, and more.

I'm coming!
Maker Night December 11th

Last chance to use our workbenches and make your gifts before the holidays.

Borrow the tools you need on site without having to drag them home. And best of all, benefit from the expertise and tips of Tool Ninjas and other Ottawa makers who will be there to help you out.

Book a workbench
Our co-founder, Bettina, was recognized as an Outstanding Community Builder by the Honourable Catherine McKenna and was given a special Canada 150 pin containing copper from the roof of West Block on Parliament Hill!

Some of us got to go and celebrate her amazing achievement. We are so luck to have her! Without her, there wouldn't be a tool library in Ottawa. 
We Won! 

On November 15th, we received a Best Ottawa Business (BOB) Award in the Social Enterprise category! Our core team got all dressed up and went out to celebrate.

The evening was also a great way to bid farewell to Frederic, one of our co-founders, who is leaving the board. . The BOBs was a nice way to mark his tremendous work and for us to say thank you for his dedication to bringing a tool library to Ottawa. 

We are starting to feature Humans of the Ottawa Tool Library!

One of the greatest things about the OTL is that it has created a vibrant, friendly community of members. Our members don't just borrow tools, but also share stories, learn from each other, and forge new friendships. No matter what level of experience you have, the OTL has always been a place to learn, share, and empower each other. 

Humans of the Tool Library is a collection of stories from our members and volunteers. Starting November 30th, we will post every 2 weeks and feature a wonderful human! Get ready and stay updated via our social media and website! 🎉🎉

Read about the first feature about fabulous makers
Virtual Wall of Fame

We know you've made amazing things with the help of the tool library? We are looking for members to share with us what they have made with our tools. With them we will create a Virtual Wall of Fame for other members to be inspired.

Tag us (@yowtoollibrary) and add the hashtag #OTLmade in your social media post to be featured on our wall or email our social media coordinator Annika.
Upcoming Hours

We're closing for the holidays on Wednesday December 20th and will be back Monday January 8th. 


January Events

  • Maker Day: January 14th, 11 am - 5 pm
  • Maker Night: January 15th, 6-9 pm
  • Community Night: January 29th, 7-9 pm
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