Holiday Hours | Gifts | Recap: Acoustic Cellphone Amplifier | Recap: Basics of Home Wiring | StopGap Ramp Build | Humans of OTL 
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Happy Holidays from the gang at OTL.
We'll be closed from Dec. 20th to Jan. 6th.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season!
Special Holiday Offer!

 Anyone who buys or gifts an OTL membership in December will receive a free ticket to the Home & Remodeling Show on January 17-20, 2019!
The show features landscaping companies, remodelling contractors, interior design companies, and more. 
Choose to give a meaningful gift that keeps on giving all year round.
Gift It
Recap: Build An Acoustic Cellphone Amplifier

Lots of new skills were learned at our November workshop and we saw amazing amplifiers being built which might or might not be under someone's tree this season. Psst.... we won't tell.
If you participated and want to share what your amplifier looks like after staining/painting, send us a photo!

Recap: Home Wiring Demo
Despite the rain, we had a huge group of home wiring enthusiasts show up to our home wiring and electricity demo night! A huge thank you to our home wiring expert David, who covered a wide range of topics and answered all of our burning questions. 
Thanks to everyone who came out and particpated! 
Making Ottawa Accessible

The November Ottawa StopGap Community Ramp Build went extremely well! Tons of volunteers showed up over several days to help measure, cut, spray paint, and deliver new ramps to businesses all across Ottawa. Thanks to their efforts, more businesses will be accessible to all community members. We are very proud to be partnering with this incredible group!

Keep an eye on their
Facebook page for their next ramp build. 

Humans of the OTL
This month, we talked to Rebecca about the disposable clothing industry and how she got into clothing repairing. 
"With sewing, you can make anything into your style..." Read more...
  Visit our Humans of the OTL webpage to read all the stories!

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