| December 2020 | Use of trusts by seniors in estate planning Bill Crowther, CPA, CA, TEP, FEA, is a partner at Baker Tilly KDN | There seems to be a growing interest among seniors to consider options that improve the administration and security of their assets during their lifetime, providing a greater degree of certainty that their estate’s assets will be distributed in accordance with their wishes. One option to consider is certain trusts available to individuals who are at least 65 years of age. |
| | Baker Tilly Ottawa LLP 400-301 Moodie Drive Ottawa, ON K2H 9C4 Canada ottawa@bakertilly.ca www.bakertilly.ca |
| This email is sent by Baker Tilly Ottawa LLP, formerly Collins Barrow Ottawa LLP. 400-301 Moodie Drive, Ottawa, ON K2H 9C4. Baker Tilly Canada periodically publishes Tax Alert for its clients and associates. It is designed to highlight and summarize the continually changing tax and business scene across Canada. While Tax Alert may suggest general planning ideas, we recommend professional advice always be sought before taking specific planning steps. |