Dear DEREK, Mainstream medicine is asleep at the wheel, and Dr. Fred Pescatore is issuing an urgent wake-up call... Growing scientific evidence shows there's one powerful "warning sign" that reveals whether YOU are at risk of 6 major health threats—from heart attacks to cancer to Alzheimer's disease, and ultimately, an early death... But mainstream medicine completely ignores it, while you are left in the dark. That's why Dr. Fred Pescatore, M.D., just announced he will be holding an urgent special event, and you're invited to his... Ultimate Screening Summit:
Decoding Your Body’s Warning Signs THIS THURSDAY at 1:00 PM ET >> RSVP NOW << Dr. Pescatore is one of the most sought-after natural physicians in the country. He's spent nearly three decades studying, researching, and practicing medicine around the world—using innovative methods to transform America’s "sick care" into truly powerful health care. Join Dr. Pescatore THIS THURSDAY as he takes on the establishment to reveal: - 1 question to ask your doctor that can help you live longer
- How to get to the bottom of “unexplained” symptoms that mainstream medicine shrugs off...even though you still don’t feel right
- The truth about modern cancer screenings that I guarantee will surprise you
- 1 hidden heart attack signal you should NEVER ignore
- Powerful steps you can take to reduce your risk of today’s most feared diseases, including Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
- And so much more
You'll discover how his methods and screenings can help identify and reverse those so-called "unexplained" signs and symptoms... And even ward off diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, Alzheimer's, and cancer. Admission to this groundbreaking Ultimate Screening Summit is free, but time is of the essence. So be sure to reserve your spot right here. Kind regards, Karen Reddel P.S. Responses to this exclusive event are pouring in so please make sure to click here right now to claim your spot!