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InformationWeek Today
August 02, 2018
Shark! A Toothy Ton of Data
Researchers are using machine learning to get a clearer picture of shark behavior, and work to help those sharks to survive.

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Digital Transformation Has a Digital Divide

Companies in all industries are talking about digital transformation, but success may depend on whether the firms have world-class or ordinary IT organizations.
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How You Can Bridge the IT Training Gap

The demand for well-trained IT professionals is growing, but quality training options remain elusive.
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Stop Calling Them Kids: Make the Most of IT's Generational Shift

Next-gen digital talent is your most important resource. Here are three keys to ensuring that you don't mismanage it.
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Enterprises Wade Into the AI Pool

Enterprises are piloting or planning for AI implementations, and use cases vary depending on industry. How does your company stack up?
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Endgame Ends Document - Based Phishing
Are you suffering from agent overload, alert fatigue or the skills shortage? Do you need a better so...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Top Barriers to AI Success
Enterprises seeking the potential benefits of artificial intelligence need to overcome technological, organizational, and cultural challenges. Read More
9 Ways AI and Intelligent Automation Affect the C-Suite
Members of the C-suite need to contemplate a broader spectrum of issues than technology alone in implementing AI and automation. Read More
10 Tips for Managing Cloud Costs
Cloud cost management is a key pain point for enterprises, but these expert tips can help optimize your cloud spending. Read More
The Next Generation of IT Support
The workforce is changing as businesses become global and technology erodes geographical and physical barriers.IT organizations are critical to enabling this transition and can utilize next-generation tools and strategies to provide world-class support regardless of location, platform or device Read More
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