Credit card debt is one of those problems that could sneak up on you. People often go into debt gradually, overspending by a few hundred dollars here and there, plus the occasional big-ticket expense, like a $5,000 vacation.
Even when you have a lot of credit card debt, it might not seem like it's costing you that much money. Sure, you may be getting charged some interest on your credit cards each month, but nothing too extreme.
But once you start adding up those seemingly small interest charges, it's a different story. Let's say you have balances of $10,000 at a 19% APR (a little less than the national average). If you're able to put $556 per month toward your debt, it would take you 22 months to pay off, and you'd end up paying a massive $1,863 in interest.
Here's another option: Pay the same $556 per month, get out of debt four months earlier, and pay $0 in interest.
Yes, it's possible -- with this balance transfer credit card. It has a 0% intro APR on balance transfers lasting into 2026!
Once you open this card, you could transfer over your current credit card balances. Then, you get to pay them down without any more interest during the intro period. And this works with other amounts of credit card debt, too -- even if you're dealing with more or less than $10,000, you could still avoid interest charges on it, paying it off faster and cheaper.
The balance transfer offer may be the standout perk, but this card also has: