In this issue, December 28, 2021 View it in your browser.

DeepMind, Kubernetes Networking, Amazon re:Post, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3, Swift Playgrounds 4.0, Uber’s CRISP Tracing, Async Comms, Managing Scattered Teams, Collaborative Engineering

Upcoming QCon Events 2022: Level up your skills with actionable takeaways from15 tracks, 75+ technical talks and 3 keynotes.

As senior software leaders, we need to constantly learn new languages, frameworks and technologies. But how do you know which to pay attention to? QCon Plus helps you focus on the topics that should be on your radar. Attend in person at QCon London, (April 4-6) or attend online at QCon Plus (May 10-20). Save with Early Bird prices if you register before January 10th.

The InfoQ eMag: The InfoQ Trends Report 2021

Through news stories, technical articles, podcasts, and eMags, InfoQ reports on the latest innovations in software development, with the goal of providing information to allow our audience to know what major advancements to keep an eye on over the coming years. (eMag)

The InfoQ Podcast 2021 Year in Review: Hybrid Working, Ethics & Sustainability, and Multi-Cloud

In this special year-end wrap-up podcast Thomas Betts, Wes Reisz, Shane Hastie, Charles Humble, Srini Penchikala, and Daniel Bryant discuss what they have seen in 2021 and speculate a little on what they hope to see in 2022. Topics explored included: hybrid working, the importance of ethics and sustainability within technology, and multi-cloud architectures. (Podcast)

Engineering Culture Trends Report – 2021

In this podcast, the Culture and Methods editorial team discusses their views on the current state and trends in the Culture and Methods area that they monitor. (Podcast)

DeepMind Releases Weather Forecasting AI Deep Generative Models of Rainfall

DeepMind open-sourced a dataset and trained model snapshot for Deep Generative Models of Rainfall (DGMR), an AI system for short-term precipitation forecasts. In evaluations conducted by 58 expert meteorologists comparing it to other existing methods, DGMR was ranked first in accuracy and usefulness in 89% of test cases. (News)



Introducing Neo4j AuraDB

Neo4j’s fully managed cloud service: The zero-admin, always-on graph database for cloud developers. Try it now in one click!


  1. Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server Is Now Generally Available

  2. Kubernetes IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Q&A with Khaled (Kal) Henidak of Microsoft & Tim Hockin of Google

  3. AWS Offers a Mainframe Modernization Service for Customers to Move from Their Mainframes

Amazon Introduces re:Post, a "Stack Overflow" for AWS

At re:Invent Amazon announced re:Post, a Q&A service that replaced the AWS Forums and is designed to offer crowd-sourced and expert-reviewed answers to technical questions about AWS. (News)



Kubernetes in the Enterprise: Production Deployments Increase, but Challenges Persist

This new report from our friends at D2iQ and Vanson Bourne, highlights strong Kubernetes adoption and ongoing challenges, as new opportunities emerge around AI and analytics. Download now.

In case you missed it

Design Patterns for Serverless Systems

After shortly introducing design patterns at different levels of abstractions, this article will present a few patterns specifically suited to serverless systems and show a POC implementation on AWS. (Article)



Teleport 8 is out!

This major release includes Desktop Access that allows users passwordless login to Windows Servers & Desktops via any modern web browser. Learn more.


  1. JetBrains Releases IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 with New Remote Development Feature

  2. Java News Roundup: Updates on Log4Shell, Spring Framework 6.0-M1, WildFly 26

MicroStream 6.0 Supports JDK 17, Spring Boot and Helidon

MicroStream, the JVM data storage engine providing in-memory storage to fully or partially persist and restore Java object graphs, has released version 6.0 featuring added support for Java 17, Spring Boot integration, Deep-copy utility, and the elimination of various bugs. (News)


2021 GigaOm Radar Report

Gloo Mesh recognized as Market Leader and Outperformer for both maturity and innovation. Download the report to learn more about the market innovators and outperformers in the service mesh market.

In case you missed it

The Angular Mini-Book

The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it, how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot, and more. (Mini-book)


Progress Software

Debugging HTTP/2 Network Traffic Has Never Been Easier

Need to inspect HTTP/2 + HTTP/1.1 traffic using a single solution? Try a feature-rich web debugging proxy to inspect traffic, send requests, and more. Free trial.


  1. Swift Playgrounds 4.0 Enables Creating iOS Apps Using an iPad

Flutter 2.8 and Dart 2.15 Focus on Performance Improvement

Flutter 2.8 focuses on improving app startup time, reducing memory footprint, and making it easier for developers to profile performance issues. Along with it, Google has announced a new Dart version, Dart 2.15, improving worker isolates, introducing constructor tear-off, and extending enums. (News)

Microservice Calls’ Critical Path Analysis with Jaeger and Uber’s CRISP

Discovering which services need to be optimised to reduce end-to-end latency in a microservices-based system can be challenging because call graphs may be too complicated to read. Uber described an open-source tool called CRISP built to solve this problem by finding the critical paths in these graphs. These paths identify those operations whose optimisation benefits the overall system. (News)


Palo Alto

Gartner Innovation Insight for Cloud Native Application Protection Platforms

Securing cloud native applications starts with smarter insights. Get the Gartner CNAAP report here.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Shifting to Asynchronous Communication in Software Teams

Avoiding Technical Bankruptcy: a Whole-Organization Perspective on Technical Debt

Technical debt is not primarily caused by clumsy programming, and hence we cannot hope to fix it by more skilled programming alone. Rather, technical debt is a third-order effect of poor communication. What we observe and label “technical debt” is the by-product of a dysfunctional process. To fix the problem of accumulating technical debt, we need to fix this broken process. (Article)

Remote Ensemble Testing - How an Experiment Shaped the Way We Work

This article shares how an experiment evolved into a common practice at the workplace, using an experimental approach with remote ensemble testing to get teammates on our cross-functional team more involved in the testing activities of the jointly created product. This all started in the times of a global pandemic where the entire team was working from home. (Article)

Remotely Operated: Managing Scattered Teams

Anjuan Simmons provides guidance for how managers can support remote teams and help them improve performance. (Presentation with transcript included)
Learn how to solve complex software engineering and leadership challenges. Attend in-person at QCon London, (April 4-6) or attend online at QCon Plus (May 10-20). Save your spot now!

Engineering Your Organization: Services, Platforms, and Communities

Randy Shoup discusses the different ways high-performing engineering organizations gain leverage by specialization and sharing. (Presentation with transcript included)

Building and Maintaining a Creative and Collaborative Engineering Culture

Shane Hastie explores what we have learned about creating environments where engineering teams can be at their most effective irrespective of where they work - remotely, in-person or hybrid. (Presentation with transcript included)


Latest White Papers

The InfoQ eMag - DevSecOps: Shifting Left in Practice

The InfoQ eMag - Modern Data Engineering: Pipeline, APIs, and Storage



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