Nieuwsbrief 21 maart 2016

Eekhout schrijft box vol boeken

Acht boeken maar liefst presenteerde hoogleraar Mick Eekhout afgelopen vrijdag op de Faculteit Bouwkunde. Die had hij in het eerste jaar van zijn emeritaat geproduceerd. Verrassing: er zitten nóg vier in de pijplijn.

Science 2016-03-21 15:46:00

Matchmaking smart grids and smart homes

The development of smart grids and the smart homes they are connected to is apparently not in synch. The aim of a symposium on the topic was to see if integration of the two is possible to contribute to a sustainable energy transition.

Nieuws 2016-03-21 13:41:00

A race against time

The first thing that you should know about the DUT16, the latest vehicle designed by Formula Student Team Delft (FSTD), is that it's going to be very safe. Unlike hoverboards and Google's self-driving car, which have both become synonymous with injuries and accidents, this is an electrical vehicle that isn't very dangerous.

Science 2016-03-21 12:42:00

Watching the cracks heal

Cracks in some metal-ceramic materials spontaneously fill at high temperatures. Now, researchers have revealed the process with x-ray tomography in Nature Scientific Reports.

Nieuws 2016-03-17 16:44:00

Tim Horeman: Ingenieur van het Jaar

In bijzijn van Prinses Beatrix en Prinses Mabel kreeg Tim Horeman gisteren te horen dat hij verkozen was tot Ingenieur van het Jaar 2016.

Nieuws 2016-03-17 13:10:00

Mangrove project wins Dutch engineering award

The programme in Northern Java to stop coastal erosion through Building with Nature has won the annual award for innovative engineering solutions (‘Vernufteling’) in the Netherlands. The programme was submitted by project partner Witteveen+Bos. On behalf of the project, Rob Nieuwkamer received the award on Wednesday March 16, 2016

Nieuws 2016-03-16 16:01:00

BK students design refugee housing solutions

"Holland isn't full, but it is full of unused space," according to Dutch government architect Floris Alkemade. This was the inspiration behind the 'Home Away from Home 'competition, challenging architects to design housing solutions for refugees. This challenge also became a part of the curriculum for this year's Architecture and Building Technology master's students from TU Delft.

Blogs - Poetic Engineering 2016-03-17 12:12:00

Goud uit stro

Sonnet gemaakt door Jeroen Manders bij de PhD thesis van Christa Ros “Electrochemical production of hydrocarbons from carbon dioxide and water” aan de faculteit Technische Natuurwetenschappen.



17 maart 2016


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21 maart 2016
18 maart 2016
17 maart 2016
17 maart 2016
15 maart 2016
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