| Science 2016-03-07 14:10:00 More than make up Neanderthal women also liked to style themselves with makeup. They used chunks of manganese dioxide as pigments. And they also used this mineral to make fire, as researchers from Leiden University and TU Delft found.
 | Video 2016-03-07 13:03:00 TU Delft TV: WaterLab McGyver scientist and lecturer Dr. Rolf Hut (Civil Engineering) teaches a workshop in which couples of students develop devices that measure water properties and report them online.
 | Science 2016-03-07 11:43:00 Up in the air Lost luggage continues to be an issue for travellers and that's why the International Air Transport Association recently introduced two resolutions to help fix the problem. For her MSc thesis, Industrial Design Engineering student Myrthe Lemmen studied how officials at KLM are adopting an innovative system to adhere to these new requirements.
 | Science 2016-03-04 10:21:00 Emotions matter for public engagement What do people do when confronted with information that is unfamiliar and makes little sense? This is how the general public often see emerging science and technology.
 | Blogs - Poetic Engineering 2016-03-02 21:19:00 Bit by bit security Poetic impression by Bauke Steenhuisen of the dissertation ‘Cybersecurity via Intermediaries, Analyzing Security Measurements to Understand Intermediary Incentives and Inform Public Policy’ by Hadi Asghari, defended on the 29th of February.