TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 30, 2017

Democrats in the Senate Confront Betsy DeVos Over Her Homophobic Views, Demand Civil Rights for Public School Students

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The right-wing culture wars are back and ascendant at the Department of Education.  READ MORE»

How Much Longer Before Nobody Buys Into Trump's PR Scam?

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

As a media celebrity, Trump constructed a masterful persona. It was never real, and now it's deeply dangerous. READ MORE»

A New Low for the NRA

By Bill Moyers, Michael Winship,

The gun lobby's new "recruitment ad" is really a call for white supremacy and armed insurrection, deliberately crafted to stir anger and fear. READ MORE»

White House Official Boasts They'll 'Bribe Moderates With Opioid Money' to Pass Trumpcare: Report

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

But even that may not be enough.  READ MORE»

Progressive Firebrand Nina Turner Named New President of Our Revolution, Bernie Sanders' Post-2016 Organization

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

"We are continuing to feel the Bern."  READ MORE»

Police Excuse for Infamous Shooting of Black Teenager Jordan Edwards Turns Out to Be a Fabrication

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

The 15-year-old was unarmed and posed no threat to the officer who shot him. READ MORE»

Trump's First Supreme Court Pick Is 'Far to the Right' of the Man He Replaced, the Right-Wing Antonin Scalia

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

He has been in lockstep with none other than Clarence Thomas. READ MORE»

Jeff Sessions’ Crusade Against Marijuana Hurts the Most Vulnerable—I Know Because I'm One of Them

By Garrett Roush, Rare

Medical marijuana made my epileptic seizures stop. Sessions may not understand this, but cannabis has been a divine gift for me. READ MORE»

Kentucky-Fried Christianity: Governor Matt Bevin Wants to Pray Away Violence in Louisville

By Spencer Dew, Religion Dispatches

It isn’t prayer that’s at the root of the governor’s prayer initiative—rather, it’s unwavering (and mistaken) faith in the individual and the free market.  READ MORE»

Trump's Russia Lawyer Faces Conflict-Of-Interest Questions Over $296m Kushner Deal

By Wendy Dent, Ed Pilkington, The Guardian

Revealed: Marc Kasowitz’s firm involved in real-estate sale to Trump son-in-law. READ MORE»

Protests in India Against 'Cow-Protecting' Vigilantes Succeed in Breaking Prime Minister's Silence

By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet

Do some Indian lives matter more than others? The Modi government seems to think so. READ MORE»

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