Plus, conservatives still love mega-rich tax dodgers, and more...

June 10, 2021
The Democrats Successfully Crafted a Bipartisan Bill. It’s a Failure in Every Way.
Chuck Schumer’s anti-China legislation won enough Republican support to pass, but at the expense of the planet.
by Kate Aronoff
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The “Beauty Myth” author has gone from being a feminist icon to an anti-vaxxer banned by Twitter. But she’s always struggled with the truth.
by Liza Featherstone
What ails democracy in her Supreme Court thriller, “While Justice Sleeps”?
by Scott W. Stern
For all the talk of the GOP’s new working-class focus, it’s as eager as ever to serve the interests of plutocrats at the expense of everyone else.
by Alex Shephard


Trump sabotaged the agency on behalf of the fossil fuel industry. Biden will have to do more than simply repair the damage.
by Nick Martin
This summer, catch up on our favorite episodes of “The Politics of Everything.”
Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene 
As TC Energy announced defeat this week, battles against Line 3, Line 5, and the Dakota Access Pipeline continue.
by Nick Martin


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