Plus, why NBA players took direct action last night, and more...
August 27, 2020
Democrats Have Failed Urban Black Americans

The Republican critique of misrule in American cities has some merit, and it’s not clear that Joe Biden’s party is prepared to meet the need.

By Osita Nwanevu



The Bucks Aren’t Boycotting. They’re Striking. The players were done with the league’s empty spectacle of “solidarity.”By Nick Martin
Why the GOP Didn’t Write a New Platform It isn’t just that the party has surrendered to Trump. It’s also because its policies are deeply unpopular.
By Alex Shephard
Who Will Get Rich Off of Hurricane Laura? From California wildfires to Gulf Coast hurricanes, the disaster capitalists are always ready to make a killing.By Kate Aronoff


The Republican National Convention’s War on Reality Up is down, the coronavirus pandemic is over, and Donald Trump is normal.By Alex Shephard
The Real, Paranoid Housewives of the Republican Convention Patricia McCloskey and Kimberly Guilfoyle are a new twist on a dangerous lineage of conservative women.By Melissa Gira Grant
Mike Pence Is a Parody of a Politician He praised his Dear Leader’s reign, while also insisting that America needed to be saved yet again.By Walter Shapiro


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