The Soapbox: A weekly roundup of TNR’s political coverage
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A weekly roundup of TNR's political coverage
The Mysterious Case of the Fake Gay Marriage Website, the Real Straight Man, and the Supreme Court
In filings in the 303 Creative v. Elenis case is a supposed request for a gay wedding website—but the man named in the request says he never filed it.
by Melissa Gira Grant
Bidenomics Is Working—Here’s Why the Business Press Won’t Say So
To economics journalists, bad news is always just around the corner—especially when a Democrat is in the White House.
by Timothy Noah
A Billionaire Baseball Owner Failed to Extort Oakland, So He’s Scamming Nevada Instead
John Fisher, an heir to the Gap fortune, is being handed hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to screw over A’s fans by moving his team to Las Vegas.
by Mark Hill
Here’s a Conspiracy Theory: RFK Jr. Is a Tool of Pro-Trump Agitators
The wayward Kennedy, who is challenging Biden for the Democratic nomination, is proving to be a very useful idiot for MAGA demagogues like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone.
by Walter Shapiro
The Con Artists Who Blame Ukraine Aid for America’s Social Problems
RFK Jr., Glenn Greenwald, and other Putin apologists are making disingenuous, pseudo-populist arguments against U.S. support for Ukraine.
by Alaric DeArment
The Supreme Court Just Started a New Legal War Over College Diversity
The affirmative action ruling doesn’t end the diversity debate so much as push it into new areas.
by Matt Ford
Democrats, Wake the Hell Up!
President Biden has amassed a historic record in his first term. Why aren’t he and his party bragging about it?
by Michael Tomasky


From The Ticker:
Donald Trump Fantasized About Having Sex With Ivanka, New Book Says
An ex-Trump staffer details the lewd comments Trump regularly made about his daughter’s body.
by Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani
The Supreme Court Just Used a Fake Case to Make It Easier to Discriminate Against Gay People
In America, Neil Gorsuch writes, people are “free to think” that gay people are “illegitimate.”
by Prem Thakker
Joe Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Is Dead
The Supreme Court just blocked a debt forgiveness policy that helped tens of millions of Americans.
by Prem Thakker
Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority
As states across the country move to make sure students are well fed, Republicans have announced their intention to fight back.
by Prem Thakker



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