Will California heed the latest warning about its sinking schools? • The impact of solitary confinement on safety in prison and in the community
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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Dems’ crime proposal strikes the right balance

Overall this is the right approach, as it targets an apparent Proposition 47 loophole without gutting a reform that has many laudable features.

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Will California heed the latest warning about its sinking schools?

So here we are again. How much more evidence do we need?

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The impact of solitary confinement on safety in prison and in the community

The ramifications for prisoner rehabilitation and greater safety in the community subsequent to their release from prison are clear.

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Governor Newsom remains in the spotlight as presidential race transitions to the general election

Newsom will have to overcome some difficulties, whether this year or in the future.

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New figures show that California High-Speed Rail won’t do much about climate change

Regardless of whether climate change is an emergency or a longer-term concern, the high-speed rail project is not a cost-effective way to address it.

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Trump’s $355 million fine

Excessive fines and the Eighth Amendment

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The vast Ponzi scheme that is cryptocurrency

Crypto is the perfect crime.

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Extend CEQA relief across California, not just specific regions or for specific projects

State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, has for years been one of the most pro-housing leaders in the California Legislature, unafraid of the NIMBYs, proud to be a YIMBY.

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A bold idea for California: Instead of passing so many new laws, how about some oversight over existing ones?

Scrutiny of whether existing programs are performing as intended should be high on the list of ways to get more bang for each taxpayer buck

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State government is already forgetting telehealth’s important role in helping patients

By removing regulatory obstacles, more Californians can access the vital health care services they need.

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