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01 Jul 2021 Contact Us   |   Subscribe

Wards Intelligence Sales Report

Depleted Supply Further Drags Down U.S. Light-Vehicle Sales in June

The deep drawdown in sales caused by disappearing inventory is expected to continue well into the summer before it starts to improve.


The deep drawdown in sales caused by disappearing inventory is expected to continue well into the summer before it starts to improve.

U.S. Light Vehicle Sales, June 2021

U.S. light vehicle sales for June 2021 presented in interactive Excel tables and charts. Expandable reports highlight results by Company, Source, Segment, Model Line and Power Source by units or market share. Includes SAAR (seasonally adjusted annual rates), Top 15 models by vehicle type, and filterable flat file to query or export to external reports.


U.S. light vehicle sales for June 2021 presented in interactive Excel tables and charts. Expandable reports highlight results by Company, Source, Segment, Model Line and Power Source by units or market share. Includes SAAR (seasonally adjusted annual rates), Top 15 models by vehicle type, and filterable flat file to query or export to external reports.

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