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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

How Often Do You Update SSMS?

I got a message recently that SSM S19.3 is out. I am wary of major versions, especially with a few add-in tools, but I have tended to try and update SSMS regularly when it patches, which is about once a quarter. As I checked my desktop, I saw I was still on 19.1 (my laptop was 19.2), so I downloaded and updated both machines.

I wonder what the rest of you do. I know many of you have corporate rules and restrictions and you may not be able to update regularly, but in many places, I've worked, once software was installed, I could update it. Are you doing the same thing out there? Let us know in the comments, or better yet, include the version you are running.

Some of you might use VS Code or Azure Data Studio as well, which have more of a nag screen to update. I find myself updating ADS/VS Code more often, though not with every version. I tend to prefer software working and am less interested in gambling on potential issues unless there is a bug I need fixed.

My work at Redgate brings me into contact with lots of customers, and I find a number of them view software like I do. They prefer working versions over the latest and greatest. In fact, we've added options to many of our products so people who want the latest have a frequent updates channel. Others can get notified less often; we even have a 7/14/28 day switch in Flyway Desktop.

I tend to prefer updating a week or so after most releases, though depending on how busy I am, I might end up a week or two after the next release. I want to see if there are reports of issues or problems before I upgrade. However, even that is more often than what I hear from many others. Lots of people want to upgrade every few months, often quarterly, to minimize any disruptions to daily work.

Are you the same? I'm interested in SSMS, but what about other tools as well? Is this the same for patches of Windows/SQL Server? Do you upgrade some software more or less often? Let me know today with a comment in the discussion.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Deploying Azure SQL Database Using an ARM Template

Almighty from SQLServerCentral

Provisioning infrastructure in a timely and reliable manner is essential for agile development. One well-liked method that lets you use code to automate resource management and provisioning is infrastructure as code (IaC). Azure Resource Manager templates are one IaC solution for Azure (ARM templates).

SQLServerCentral Article

Adding an AI Policy for Authors

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from SQLServerCentral

SQL Server Central is changing their policy to respond to the increased use of AI technologies.

External Article

Optimized locking in Azure SQL Database

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

I don’t think I’ve ever had a great impression of Azure SQL Database as a place for production applications. In its early days, it was missing several important features (like data compression). While that hole has been plugged, there are still other limitations and differences you should be aware o

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Friday Flyway Tips–Linking a GitHub Issue to a Code Commit

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

Recently I was doing a demo and a customer asked how I had linked my commit in Azure DevOps to the work item that existed. It’s easy, and tldr;...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Best Practice Tip #1: Beware of Best Practices

SQLPals from Mission: SQL Homeostasis

Best Practice Tip #1: Beware of Best Practices

It may sound contractionary that the first item of a best practices list is to be wary of...

SQL Server 2022 Revealed

SQL Server 2022 Revealed: A Hybrid Data Platform Powered by Security, Performance, and Availability

Additional Articles from SQLServerCentral

Know how to use the new capabilities and cloud integrations in SQL Server 2022. This book covers the many innovative integrations with the Azure Cloud that make SQL Server 2022 the most cloud-connected edition ever. The book covers cutting-edge features such as the blockchain-based Ledger for creating a tamper-evident record of changes to data over time that you can rely on to be correct and reliable.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Getting Permissions

If I run this, do I get permissions on the individual objects in the database on SQL Server 2019?
SELECT * FROM sys.fn_my_permissions (NULL, 'database');

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Dacpac Data

Can a .dacpac file created with sqlpackage.exe /extract include data?

Answer: Yes, sometimes

Explanation: By default, the /extract parameter creates a .dacpac with only object code. However, the /p:ExtractAllTableData or /p:TableData could include data in a .dacpac file. Ref: SqlPackage Extract parameters and properties -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
backup issues - Cannot open backup device. Operating System error 5. SQL Backup failing to network share. SQLServer service runs under NT Service\MSSQLSERVER. Is changing to a network service or domain account the only option ? NT Service\MSSQLSERVER is Not searcheable in the network share folder. Any interim solutions. Thanks    
database auditing specification - Hi. In database audit specification mentioned principal name - SQL user which all DML transactions captured by that particular user. I want capture all users like widows authentication and SQL authentication both. what principal name need to be mention? Thanks
recovery model for model database - Hi All, Is it good to leave "model" database recovery model as "FULL:" or change it to simple? is it just to ensure the newly created user databases to have FULL recovery model or is there any other good reason ? I see log backup pending for model database that's why asking this question.   […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
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SQL 2012 - General
Add file to Primary FileGroup - I had a drive running low on disk space where the mdf resides, so I created a new ndf file on the Primary filegroup on a different drive. How do you know when it's being written too?  Are there any queries that can tell you that? How does it distribute(balance) so original drive doesn't completely […]
SQL Server 2012 - not accepting new connections on occasion ... - SQL Server 2012 running on Windows Server 2012 R2. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP4-GDR) (KB4583465) - 11.0.7507.2 (Intel X86) This occurs occasionally, maybe once every 2 weeks or so, the DB server does not accept new connections. Existing connections are OK, but it will not accept new ones. It requires a restart of the SQL […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Size of DB Log File - hi I was looking at the size of my db.  The log looks really big.  It is supposed to be that big? here is the query i used to get this information: SELECT mdf.database_id,, mdf.physical_name as data_file, ldf.physical_name as log_file, db_size_MB = CAST((mdf.size * 8.0)/1024 AS DECIMAL(8,2)), log_size_MB = CAST((ldf.size * 8.0 / 1024) […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Combine rows into pivoted output - Hello and thanks if you can help, I am trying to combine 2 rows into pivoted out. One of the pivoted column needs to come form one row and the second pivoted column needs to come form the other row. I am working in a view and this is a much highly simplified example so […]
Job Activity Monitor Error - I am new here and I hope this is the place to place this question. When I schedule an Agent Job Activity it fails with the error: Login failed for user 'LCDOM100\LCISQL##'. [SQLSTATE 28000] (Error 18456) Cannot open database "LCDW" requested by the login. The login failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 4060). The step failed. This […]
Reporting Services for Linux - Hello! I'm using SQL Server Express 2019 on Linux. I would like to use Reporting Services for this server, and I know that this is not possible with linux. Somebody knows a good alternative of a reports server for linux? Thank you.
Integration Services
Could not find file - Please assist. I don't know if the actual file does not exist( it does not exist in mentioned folder) or if the file path in the variables are the problem. Am i jumping the gun here? [Excel Source - Master Data Reference [14]] Error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file '\\ZADURFS01\Departments\Finance\Business Intelligence, Reporting and Analytics (BIRA)\Source […]
What is Data Cleansing and what is the importance of Data cleansing for B2B - Hello Recently when I was talking to my friends I came to know about data cleansing, they told me that data cleansing will be helpful for B2B database, but I did not know about data cleansing and it is not useful for B2B business. How important it is for you. Please guide me regarding data […]
SQL Server 2022 - Administration
Need list of all TBLs and VWs in PUB (exclude Procs and UDFs) - This SQL renders all articles in a PUB including TBLs, VWs, Procs and UDF's: SELECT * FROM distribution.dbo.msarticles WHERE publication_id = 6 order by article Is there a way to EXCLUDE the Procs and UDF names from this result?  thx in advance.
SQL Server 2022 - Development
Data modeling tooling - Just wondering what people might be using as a data modeling tool these days? Looking for a tool that might help generate documentation as well. Thanks!
How To Extract specific key Value from the string that has key value pairs - How To Extract Values from the string that is key value pairs with different formats I have a table called DataForce. with column DataVal (Nvarchar 2000). it has below 3 records How to get CID Value, ID Value, Email Value, Zip from below strings please advise?   {'ani':'80052242','dnis':'90425935','cid':'4601923812','Id':'046067ce-7fec-4af7-bb51-e4d31b4720','No':'3048','FN':'Bod Conner','Ent':'2012-08-27','Email':'','Add':'P.o. Box 146','Zip':'31040','Not':'English','Off':'FL','ACode':'','OffId':'0002 Home Office FL','Except':''}, {"ani":"30926539","dnis":"33300180","cid":"4594296356","Id":"a2a5bac2-b6ad-4239-95b2-2da730c2b6","No":"93872","FN":"Martinael […]


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