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july 09, 2019

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designboom daily

we+ entwines 500 dyed threads to express the 'diversity of beauty' at shiseido in tokyo in collaboration with shiseido's art director, we+ has layered colored threads to form the 'beauty innovation' installation.

by we+

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bollinger unveils custom configurations to its all-black electric pickup truck electric truck startup bollinger has unveiled custom configurations for its upcoming electric trucks including tube-frame doors and several cargo renovations.

by kieron marchese

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canon launches tiny clip-on camera the size of a USB flash drive the IVY REC is an ultra-compact, ultra-tiny 'clippable, go anywhere camera' featuring a built-in carabiner.

by kieron marchese

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hotel feelviana by carlos castanheira negotiates the terrain of coastal portugal surrounded by sand dunes and pine trees, the project seeks to become part of its context by both protecting and promoting the natural landscape.

by philip stevens

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KINOVA's 'JACO' is a robotic arm designed to give independence to power wheelchair users from lifting various objects to playing with children and pets, the ultra-lightweight device allows safe and independent movement.

by lynne myers

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jaime hayon creates a fantastical, rideable, crystallized carousel for swarovski in austria hayon drew inspiration from folklore and fairy tales to create the fantastical characters that act as the seats.

by nina azzarello

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fold motors is an unserious expression of serious design $81 by Rubberband Products from india