MacMost Newsletter
The MacMost Newsletter: Issue 792
March 7, 2024
New Mac users often have trouble understanding the concept of the Desktop because the term is used to describe a variety of things. Understanding the difference between THE Desktop, the Desktop FOLDER and Desktop SPACES, and how the three are related, is an important step to understanding how to use your Mac.
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Take a look at some of the new features like follow-along Podcast transcripts and new Emoji. (17.4 also allows for new things for EU users, like alternative app stores and web browsers, though none exist yet).
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Version 1.4 of ClipTools adds the Clip Manager. This window allows you to manage, use and even edit your clips, saved clips and Smart Clips. It is the most powerful update to ClipTools since it launched.
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Here are some settings you may want to check out if you are concerned about security on your Mac.
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When you double-click a file it opens in the default app for that file. But you can choose to open many files with another app such as a different image or text editor. Learn many ways how to select which app opens a file and how to change the default app for that file.
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Printing or making PDF documents from Freeform boards doesn't work very well. It is hard t tell what will fit on a page without any borders, and the margins are huge and there doesn't seem to be a way to make them much smaller. But there are ways to make it work.
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I'm often asked about the software and gadgets I use to produce the MacMost videos and in my work as a developer. So I've compiled a list of the products I use and recommend. Check it out. -- Gary
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