Good morning, marketers.

These are unprecedented times – and one of grim realities the industry is facing right now is record-level unemployment rates. Last week, CBS This Morning News reported 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment during the week of March 28, according to reports from the U.S. Labor Department. And while these numbers stretch across industries and business sizes, the martech community is already feeling the squeeze.

While the employment outlook is dour, there is a glimmer of hope: Marketing operations teams are banding together as many face job uncertainty. Gartner VP analyst Ewan McIntyre says a recent poll by his firm found that CMOs are more likely to cut agency spend and media investments before in-house labor and martech.

There’s more in the story, but the bottom line is this: as marketers, we have an overlapping skill-set in terms of communication capabilities and communication platforms. We’re also resourceful and more likely to fall in the “just get the work done” column versus relying on the “that’s not my job” rhetoric. This translates to professionals who know how to pull together in a time of need and help others out as best we can. 

So, marketers, keep pushing through and keep staying connected. We’re in this together. 

Taylor Peterson,
Deputy Editor


People have a lot of questions about productivity tools

Quora’s head of marketing, JD Prater, last week published a blog post highlighting trends around how users (and brands) are engaging on Quora during this time of crisis. “From productivity tools to self-improvement activities to video conferencing, it’s obvious we’re all doing our best to settle into this new normal,” he notes. 

In particular, he outlines the brands that are seeing a trending spike in engagement on the question-and-answer platform. “Several productivity tools are breaking through the noise and earning a lot of attention on Quora. Microsoft Teams rocketed up 310% while their primary competitor Slack was up 19%. No surprise here that popular video conferencing apps GoToMeeting, Zoom, WebEx, and Skype are seeing nice increases in views,” Prater wrote. 

SOURCE: Quora for Business

Quora’s data methodology: Percent increases are calculated using global answer views over the last three weeks (3/8/20 – 3/28/20) compared to the three weeks prior (2/16/20 – 3/7/20).


How to adapt your marketing in the consumer privacy era

The rules of marketing continue to change – especially in light of data measures like the CCPA and Apple ITP. Consumers now expect privacy-oriented marketing from all brands. Fail to adjust to their privacy preferences, and you’ll undoubtedly see a negative impact on your bottom line. This eBook from BlueConic outlines what your organization must do today to thrive in the increasingly data-conscious, constantly evolving marketing landscape.

Read more »

Mindful Moment

This is a difficult time for us all. We are sharing a mindfulness exercise daily to help those interested to take a moment to decompress and regain focus. If you have a tip or exercise to share with the community, please email me at

Today’s exercise is a fun one and comes from Allison Chaney, chief digital training officer at Boot Camp Digital: “My tip is to get up and have a dance party! Bonus points if you get your friends to join in on Zoom. As a digital marketer, it’s easy to get sucked into the screens and lose track of time when there’s no place to go. Getting up and moving around will help you shake off the funk and get into a more positive mindset and regain focus.”


Stay up-to-speed on modern marketing

Join us online April 21-23 for Discover MarTech, a free virtual event featuring live keynotes from MarTech Program Chair Scott Brinker and Real Story Group’s Tony Byrne, in-depth marketing technology training, and exclusive community networking.

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What we're reading

We've curated our picks from across the web so you can retire your feed reader

Exclusive: Amazon to delay Prime Day sales event due to coronavirus – Reuters

Simple Ways to Improve Video ROI  – CMS Wire

With ad prices declining, creators increase their production volume – Dididay

Report: Walmart suspends affiliate program with MagicLinks, Rakuten  – Marketing Dive

Two U.S. state attorneys general seek info on Zoom’s privacy practices – Reuters

Pinterest CEO and a team of leading scientists launch a self-reporting COVID-19 tracking app – TechCrunch

Why Amazon got out of the Apple App Store tax, and why other developers won’t – The Verge

IKEA furthers virtual design vision by acquiring AI imaging start-up – Internet Retailing