Tune in for our premiere session, 10 Things That Will Kill Your IoT Application, and How to Fix Them (Quickly!), airing at 1:30pm ET during our 5/7, first-ever IoT World Today Virtual Trade Show.

As everyone with practical experience in IoT knows, things can and will go wrong with connected applications, and every minute that a problem goes unfixed costs you real money and customer satisfaction.


In this webinar, we’ll share highlights from our many lessons learned throughout 250 million device-years of experience, to help you architect your IoT solution for sustained success.

Register now

*This session is being held as part of our 5/7 IoT World Today Virtual Trade Show. Click here to get the full agenda and check out more of the day’s sessions and speakers - p.s. once you register you'll have access to all of the day's events and prizes!*


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