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Workforce Watch

In The Spotlight
Employees at all three of the Detroit 3 have now adopted the UAW-negotiated tentative agreement.
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Manufacturers can increase their talent pipeline if they are willing to be creative in addressing workforce shortages from different perspectives. See what manufacturers in Montana are doing to fill their workforce gaps.

Too often, we default to "team building" events, while not addressing the more complex architecture of high-performing teams.
In addition to wage increases, a faster track to top wages for newer workers and retiree benefits, the UAW won investment guarantees from Detroit's automakers in recent contract talks.
Any North American auto manufacturer or supplier – whether unionized or not – faces a substantial risk of a business disruption in the months ahead.
Developing others and encouraging them to grow, every day and with intention, is part of servant leadership.

In a survey, operational leaders identified inefficient processes they struggle with and capabilities that would make their work lives better. Read on to discover the top pain points and steps you can take to build a more productive team.

Editor's Choice
We've got you covered with Thanksgiving-related manufacturing trivia, from canned pumpkin to ingenious business ideas for leftover turkey.