In this issue, February 6, 2018 View it in your browser.

DevOps and Cloud Trends, Experimentation, Optimisation and Learning, Software Ethics, Apache Beam, Monitoring MakeMyTrip, Go Concurrency, Java Support, WebAssembly, Swift, Blockchain

Want to Learn How Events Are Reshaping Modern Systems?

Event-driven architecture and design have been getting a lot of attention in recent years. Why this sudden peak of interest? Founder & CTO at Lightbend and Creator of Akka Jonas Bonér, explores at QCon London 2018 the nature of events, what it means to be event-driven, and how you can unleash the power of events. Join him at QCon London (March 5-9) and save up to £200 if you register before Feb 24th.



All your Databases, One Platform.

Compose makes it easy to deploy your favorite open source databases in minutes into your preferred cloud datacenter on fast SSDs. Everything you need to run a performant database is available through the Compose web console or Compose APIs. Try Compose Free for 30 Days.

DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report - January 2018

This article, following on from the Culture and Methods piece we published last week, provides a summary of how we currently see the operations space, which for us is mainly DevOps and Cloud. (Article)

The Morning Paper Issue 7 - Experimentation, Optimisation and Learning

For this edition of The Morning Paper Quarterly Review, Adrian Colyer has chosen a set of papers that illustrate what the data natives are up to: how they embed experimentation, optimisation, and learning into everything they do. If you thought continual delivery was the end game, for data natives this is just the necessary pre-requisite. (eMag)

Theo Schlossnagle on Software Ethics and the Presence of Doing Good

In this podcast, Theo and Wes Reisz chat about the need for ethical software, and how we as technical leaders should be reasoning about the software we create. With the incredible implications of machine learning and AI in our future, this week's podcast touches on topics we should all consider in the systems we create. (Podcast)

Exploring the Fundamentals of Stream Processing with the Dataflow Model and Apache Beam

At QCon San Francisco 2016, Frances Perry and Tyler Akidau presented “Fundamentals of Stream Processing with Apache Beam”, and discussed Google's Dataflow model and associated implementation of Apache Beam. (Article)



Building Serverless Apps with Azure Functions.

Learn how to build planet-scale serverless apps in minutes by using Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Functions. You can subscribe to changes in Azure Cosmos DB collections and trigger logic in real time while delivering globally-distributed apps - without deploying or managing any servers. Watch Now.



  1. AWS Streamlines Amazon EC2 Spot Instance Pricing Model and Operational Complexity

  2. Codefresh Releases CLI for Kubernetes

  3. How MakeMyTrip Monitors Its Large-Scale E-Commerce Website

  4. Microsoft Announces General Availability of Azure Event Grid

  5. Amazon Releases a Unified AWS Auto Scaling Service across Cloud Applications

Why and How Database Changes Should Be Included in the Deployment Pipeline

Eduardo Piairo on why databases and applications should coexist in the same deployment pipeline and different scenarios and steps to achieve it. (Article)

Cloud Native Infrastructure with Kubicorn

Kris Nova talks about Kubicorn, an open source Go project. She discusses the reasoning behind the project and how the core of the tool is developed strictly for cloud native application. She identifies the problem space with existing infrastructure tooling and discusses how Kubicorn satisfies new patterns that can be vendored into control loops and operators. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Real-Time Monitoring with Grafana, StatsD and InfluxDB

Artur Prado presents a number of monitoring tools, how to use them and some code involved in tracking certain events. (Presentation)

Nubank's Experience Scaling Microservices Operations

Renan Capaverde and Gustavo Barrancos share how Nubank adopted DevOps and a microservices architecture. (Presentation)



Get Actionable Insights on your entire infrastructure.

Monitor and analyze key performance metrics in real time, whether in traditional data centers or distributed cloud infrastructures. Supports Linux, Windows, AWS, VMs, OS X and much more. Sign up Now.



  1. REST is the New SOAP?

  2. GitHub Introduces Multiple Commit Authors

Intro to Property-Based Testing

Shane Charles discusses Property-Based Testing, a method used to cover many possible input values and edge cases for Unit Testing. (Presentation)

Go Concurrency in the Real World

Vitor De Mario explores several idioms and patterns applied in real world software running Go, starting from the basic syntax all the way to complete concurrent programs. (Presentation)



The Six Essentials for DevOps Team Excellence.

This new ebook from offers six tips to build a framework for DevOps teams embedding security and development best practices into an agile operation. Download now.



  1. Oracle to End Free Support for Past Java Versions Much Sooner

  2. Public Review of Java MVC 1.0 Specification is Now Open

Why Spring

Sébastien Deleuze presents how to use Kotlin in Spring, showing how to convert a Java Boot 1.0 application into a Kotlin Boot 2.0 one running on WebFlux. (Presentation)

Reactor in Action

Simon Baslé and Victor Grazi demo Reactor covering multi-batching, debugging, using reactor-netty as a client, along with some naive solutions and how to improve on them. (Presentation)

Servlet or Reactive Stacks: The Choice is Yours. Oh No ... The Choice is Mine!

Rossen Stoyanchev compares Spring Servlet with Reactive Streams and discusses what can be done with them. (Presentation)

Next Generation OAuth Support with Spring Security 5.0

Joe Grandja overviews OAuth 2.0 Login and walks through the necessary steps in setting up OAuth 2.0 Login using Google as the authentication provider. (Presentation)



Top 5 Java Performance Metrics, Tips & Tricks.

This ebook reviews five of the top performance metrics to capture to assess the health of your enterprise Java application: Business Transactions, External Dependencies, Caching Strategy, Garbage Collection, and Application Topology. Download now.



  1. Using Mono to Compile C# to WebAssembly

Cleaner Stack Traces in .NET/.NET Core

Ben Adams and Anirudh Agnihotry have worked to improve the stack traces and error messages in .NET Core. (News)



Redgate’s 2018 State of Database DevOps Report.

Are you among the 82% who are already on their DevOps journey? Compliance emerges as a new key driver for extending DevOps to the database. Read the report.


TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. TC39 Finalizes Feature Set for ECMAScript 2018

  2. TypeScript 2.7 Now Available

  3. jQuery 3.3.1 out, Team Preps for 4.0

Reason: JavaScript-Flavored OCaml

Jared Forsyth introduces Reason, OCaml with a JS syntax, covering its basics, how to write React UIs, how to adopt it, what the trade-offs are and how it compares to other languages. (Presentation)

Modern JavaScript in the Cloud

John Papa and Burke Holland discuss solutions and tools (Angular CLI, Docker, etc.) to build and deploy to the cloud a JavaScript application. (Presentation)

New feature on InfoQ: transcripts for presentations!

Are you a reader and not a watcher? Or do you simply want to browse thru videos faster and get to what you are interested in? We are testing transcripts for some of our presentations. Have a look and let us know what you think.

Swift Has Got Its Discussion Forum

The Swift team has announced the migration of several Swift mailing lists to the Swift Forums, which will be the primary discussion and communication method from now on. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Blockchain and Smart Contracts in a Business Process

  2. Events Should Be a First-Class Tool for Developers

Data Consistency in Microservice Using Sagas

Chris Richardson discusses messaging, durability, and reliability in microservice architectures leveraging the Saga Pattern. He shows how sagas work and how they differ from traditional transactions, and describes how to use sagas to develop business logic in a microservices application. He also describes the design of a saga framework for Java and shows a sample application. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Debugging Containerized Microservices

Idit Levine describes and demonstrates common debugging techniques and introduces Squash, a new tool and methodology. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Microservices: Patterns and Practices Panel

C. Richardson, R. Shoup, L. Ryan, R. Tangirala, and R. Schloming participate in a discussion on microservices and the challenges faced at scale, the strategies to use and more. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Consumer-Driven Contracts and Your Microservice Architecture

Marcin Grzejszczak and Adib Saikali demo a system using the Consumer-driven Contracts approach together with Spring Boot and the Spring Cloud Contract verifier. (Presentation)

Istio - Weaving the Service Mesh

Louis Ryan talks about Istio, a tool which provides a common networking, security, telemetry and policy substrate for services called 'Service-Mesh'. He also talks about how the service-mesh helps to enable the transition to microservices, to empower operations teams, to adopt security best-practices and more. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Cloud Event-Driven Architectures with Spring Cloud Stream 2.0

Oleg Zhurakousky and Gary Russell overview various types of event-driven architectures, and how the different message-oriented components of the Spring portfolio fit into the picture. (Presentation)


InfoQ eMag: Getting Started with Cloud Native Development.

A cloud-native approach improves how companies of all ages and sizes deliver software to customers. Download this eMag to get a deeper understanding of the cloud-native revolution, and see what it takes to jump in.


TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How to Win a Solar Race Using Agile

Q&A on the Book The Startup Way

The book The Startup Way by Eric Ries explores how large organizations can use startup techniques to innovate and accelerate growth. It provides methods for creating a transformation roadmap towards an entrepreneurial way of working: to experiment and collect data, roll out entrepreneurial ways of working throughout the organization, and tackle the supporting systems like legal, finance, and HR. (Article)

Scaling Agile – Big Room Planning

This third article in the series about making scaled agile work explores how to do big room planning. It’s two days of planning together with all program and team members every three months providing an overview of all the work to be done in the next quarter. Towards the end of the two days, team and program objectives for the three months are agreed upon, and risks are discussed and mitigated. (Article)

I Have ADD and So Can - Ooh, Shiny!

Heidi Waterhouse discusses the statistics and theory of neurodiversity, and how a team can avoid the mono-culture mentally, as well as working to diversify. (Presentation)

Kanban Roll-out Survival: Dealing with 'Idiots'

Katherine Kirk explains how to apply eastern philosophical models to help extend and support core Lean and Agile methods and practices when coaching teams, executives, project managers and devs. (Presentation)