In this issue, July 2, 2019 View it in your browser.

DevOps for the Database, AWS Deep Learning, Service Mesh Interface, DevSecOps, Facebook PyRobot, C# 8, WebAssembly, Sucrase, Defining Bounded Contexts, NotPetya

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The Only Good Reason to Adopt Microservices

Many organizations are plotting a path towards microservices; unfortunately, it’s not clear that they all understand why they’re doing so. People rarely cite the one truly excellent reason to adopt microservices: shipping their org chart. Learn More.

The InfoQ eMag: DevOps for the Database

In this eMag, we discuss the unique aspects of databases, both relational and NoSQL, in a successful continuous integration environment. (eMag)

Pablo Santos on Creating a Great Engineering Culture, Engaging Remote Workers and DevOps

In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Pablo Santos of Plastic SCM about what it takes to create a great engineering culture, dealing with skills shortages, engaging remote workers and getting the highest value out of DevOps. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Paypal's Hera Framework Supports Connection Multiplexing, Read-Write Split and Sharding

  2. AWS Enhances Deep Learning AMI, AI Services SageMaker Ground Truth, and Rekognition

Code Your Way out of a Paper Bag

Frances Buontempo discusses how to program your way out of the paper bag using machine learning techniques. (Presentation)

How to Create a Data Science Product from Scratch?

Dmytro Bilash discusses the top five biggest challenges in creating a data science product, compares a product for one client and a scalable one for the whole market, and discusses how to be successful. (Presentation)

From Robot Simulation to the Real World

Louise Poubel overviews Gazebo's architecture with examples of projects using Gazebo, describing how to bridge virtual robots to their physical counterparts. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, Nov 11-13, 2019. Join us!

The Road to Artificial Intelligence: An Ethical Minefield

Lloyd Danzig offers a look into the complex ethical issues faced by today's top engineers and poses open-ended questions for the consideration of attendees. (Presentation with transcript included)

Panel: Predictive Architectures in Practice

The panelists discuss the unique challenges of building and running data architectures for predictions, recommendations and machine learning. (Presentation with transcript included)

Papers in Production Lightning Talks

These lighting talks cover several papers: Towards a Solution to the Red Wedding Problem, A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise, and A Machine Learning Approach to Databases Indexes. (Presentation with transcript included)



A Machine and Deep Learning Primer

This eBook, the first in a five-part series, examines the differences between machine learning and deep learning, the challenges associated with each, and how in-memory computing addresses these challenges. Download Now.


  1. Benefits of Microsoft’s New Versions of Azure Application Gateway and the Web Application Firewall

  2. Amazon Personalize Is Now Generally Available, Bringing ML to Customers

  3. Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 Has Linux Kernel Shipping in Windows

  4. Timescale Cloud: Managed Time Series Database on Azure, Google Cloud and AWS

  5. Service Mesh Interface (SMI): Q&A with Microsoft's Lachlan Evenson

How to Seamlessly Evolve DevOps into DevSecOps

As DevOps evolved, it became obvious that it was about more than just software development and operations management. With each new story of a massive data breach and its catastrophic consequences, cybersecurity swiftly became recognized as a critical part of any IT ecosystem. This realization led to DevSecOps. This article looks at how to embrace a DevSecOps approach. (Article)

DevOps Strategy: Let’s Put an End to the “War of the Roses”

Almudena Rodriguez Pardo discusses where people fit into the automating world of DevOps, diving in some of the challenging situations developers and operators face. (Presentation)

Using Randomized Communication for Robust, Scalable Systems

Jon Currey examines the evolving use of randomized communication within HashiCorp’s Consul, a popular service mesh solution. Along the way he considers how to evaluate academic research for production use, and what to do when real-world deployments go beyond the researchers’ assumptions. (Presentation with transcript included)

The InfoQ eMag: DevSecOps in Practice

With this eMag, we present you expert security advice on how to effectively integrate security practices and processes in the software delivery lifecycle, so that everyone from development to security and operations understands and contributes to the overall security of the applications and infrastructure. Download Now.



Why are My Microservices Slow?

Discover the common challenges found when operating distributed cloud-native environments and how to approach them:

  • Performance and reliability
  • Tracing and call analysis
  • Bottlenecks and errors
Learn More.


  1. Microsoft Announces Visual Studio Online

  2. Facebook PyRobot Aims to Make Robot Programming Easier

  3. Bringing Blockchain Developer Tools to the Enterprise, Truffle and Microsoft Announce Partnership

  4. Microsoft Releases Azure Bastion, Eliminating the Jumpbox Virtual Machine

It Ain't Necessarily So: Exploring Type Systems for Verifying Musical Correctness

Chris Ford explores what makes music correct and how we might encode it in a type system. (Article)

Panel: the Future of Languages

In this panel, these programming languages experts try to find the places where we could probably past each other to try to find common ground. (Presentation with transcript included)

Payara Tour of Japan 2019

Payara recently completed a one-week tour of Japan in which they visited prominent Java Users Groups. Featured speakers were Kenji Hasunuma, service engineer at Payara, Ondrej Mihályi, senior service engineer at Payara, and Yusuke Yamamoto, Java Champion, creator of Twitter4J, and president of Samuraism, a Japanese company providing development tools and training. (News)

Operationalizing Microservices

Scaling up from proof-of-concept to production-grade microservices requires serious planning, dedication and time. Companies that have invested heavily in creating stable microservices architectures have learned many lessons. This InfoQ eMag takes in inside look - Download Now.


  1. Interactive .NET Documentation with Try .NET

C# 8 Nullable Reference Types Update

Work continues on nullable refence types for C# 8, revealing edge cases that need to be addressed before the final release and new opportunities for reducing the amount of boilerplate developers have to write. (News)


  1. Making 'npm install' Safe

  2. Front End Architecture in a World of AI

  3. Ionic Capacitor: Creating Native Applications with JavaScript

  4. Sucrase, a Faster Babel for Modern JS Runtimes

Google Earth Ported to Browsers with WebAssembly

The Google Earth team recently released a beta preview of a WebAssembly port of Google Earth. The new port runs in Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers, including Edge (Canary version) and Opera, as well as Firefox. The port thus brings cross-browser support to the existing Earth For Web version, which uses the native C++ codebase and Chrome’s Native Client (NaCl) technology. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Patterns in Distributed Systems

  2. Defining Bounded Contexts — Eric Evans at DDD Europe

NotPetya Retrospective

As we hit the second anniversary of NotPetya, this retrospective is based on the author’s personal involvement in the post-incident activities. In the immediate aftermath, it seemed like NotPetya could be the incident that would change the whole IT industry, but it wasn’t—pretty much all the lessons learned have been ignored. (Article)

Obscuring Complexity

One of the most important things that software architects do is manage the complexity of their systems in order to mitigate release disruption while maintaining sufficient feature velocity. When we cannot reduce complexity, we try to hide or shift it. Software architects tend to manage that complexity with the time-honored strategies covered in this article. (Article)

Verifying a Distributed System with Combinatorial Topology

Veronica Lopez shares her experience with containers and Kubernetes, including flexible autoscaling and refined testing & delivery experiences, that make sense within an Elixir environment. (Presentation)

Securing Services Using SSO

Shraya Ramani talks about BuzzFeed’s transition to microservices and their open-source, homegrown, centralized solution - SSO. This transition needed to secure a growing number of internal tools. Their first solution was an open source auth service deployed in front of each app, but this approach had a number of scaling issues. SSO elegantly solved this problem. (Presentation with transcript included)

Unique Resiliency of the Erlang VM, the BEAM and Erlang OTP

Irina Guberman demonstrates how unique features of the BEAM in combination with Erlang OTP can take a company's servers to the next level of resiliency and robustness. (Presentation with transcript included)

Software Architecture: Influencers Sharing Trends You Should Keep an Eye On

Learn what some of the most well-known and respected figures in the field of software architecture (Martin Fowler, Vaughn Vernon, Justin Cormack & more) have to say about new emerging trends and also the evolution of existing topics that have gained wider adoption.



Microservices with Redis Enterprise on Kubernetes

Technologies such as containers and Kubernetes are emerging to facilitate the adoption and management of microservices. Learn why Redis Enterprise is uniquely suited to a microservices application environment. Learn More.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. DevOps Needs Continuous Improvement to Succeed

Q&A on A Scrum Book: The Spirit of the Game

In A Scrum Book: The Spirit of the Game, Jeff Sutherland and James Coplien explore how to do Scrum well using patterns. There are more than ninety patterns which provide insight into Scrum’s building blocks, how they work, and how highly effective teams use them. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Empathy at Work

The book Empathy at Work by Sharon Steed explores the role empathy plays in team communication and interaction, and provides tools to help people become better empaths in difficult situations. It describes the steps we can take in order to show empathy daily and contribute to a healthy, collaborative, positive work culture. (Article)

Power to the People: Unleashing Teams through Liberating Structures

Liberating Structures are a great way for teams to find their voice. They make this happen by asking us to think creatively about the kinds of invitations we are making, and by subverting the normal power dynamics in a meeting. In this article, Greg Myer shares how he is using Liberating Structures at Capital One. (Article)

Mythbusting: Every Project Needs to be Automated

Alexandra Nagy discusses if projects need to be automated or not. (Presentation)

The Agile Journey - It Might Not Be What You Think

Helen Lisowski discusses how Agile is often viewed as a destination and an end point for an 'Agile Transformation' rather than a journey. (Presentation)

Winning Hearts and Minds Together: Transforming Careers and Culture at Ocado Technology

Emily Hallard shares Ocado’s successes, challenges and failures, and the impact the company’s transformation is having on their collective mindset. (Presentation)

Speed the Right Way: Design and Security in Agile

Kevin Gilpin discusses the renewed focus of the software design process and code complexity in software security, describing how design review can be modernized to help improve application security. (Presentation with transcript included)