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Read Titus 3:4–5

We are saved through the love and kindness of God.

Lost and Found

In the parable of the lost coin, Jesus says, “What woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?”. The coin did not get lost on its own; it was lost through the carelessness of someone else. In the same way, some people have experienced pain and rejection at the hands of others and have been hurt, abandoned, used, and abused. Now, they are lost and alone, but like the woman looking for the lost coin, we as the Church must be prepared to light the lamp and leave no corner uncovered until we recover that which is lost.

In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus says, “It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found” (see Matt 12:32). The prodigal son was a young man who, because of his immaturity and selfishness, made a wrong choice and then realized the error of his ways. Despite the fact that the young man had brought great pain to his loved ones, his father was willing to welcome him back. The father did not condemn, reject, or ignore him. On the contrary, at the first sight of his son, he ran to embrace him with open arms! When a lost person comes home to be reconciled with Jesus, we the Church must always have a “Welcome Home” sign ready, the doors wide open, and the table prepared with the finest feast.

The lost will be drawn to us because of our open arms and our loving, safe environment. The Spirit of God will be at work in each of us and will flow out into our neighborhoods and communities, making a true and lasting impact on all those we encounter.

Don’t worry; God knows this process won’t happen in an instant. We shouldn’t expect that. It will require time and effort for us to be transformed into God’s image. But as we continue to strengthen our spiritual core muscles, we will be able to fulfill the two great commandments he has given us: to love God with our hearts, souls, and minds and love our neighbors as ourselves (see Matt. 22:39).

Point to Ponder

Reaching out to the lost is a very significant part of being transformed into God’s image Are you ready to strengthen your spiritual core muscles so that you can fulfill God’s greatest commandments—to love him completely and your neighbor as yourself?

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Devotions by Christine Caine, Copyright © 2012 by Christine Caine and Equip & Empower Ministries.

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