In this issue, April 9, 2019 View it in your browser.

DevSecOps, Graal, DeepMind, Uber's Krakan, Linkerd v2, Security & Psychology, Quantum Computing, Wildfly 16, F# 5, WebAssembly, Microservices, Reteaming Models

Registration is Open for the 13th Annual QCon San Francisco: Nov 11-15, 2019!

The 13th QCon San Francisco conference returns to the Hyatt Regency San Francisco from Nov 11-15, 2019 (Conference 11-13; Workshops 14-15). Make sure you save the date and take advantage of the best possible rates by registering now. Save up to $965 if you register before May 25th!

The InfoQ eMag: DevSecOps in Practice

In this eMag, we present you expert security advice on how to effectively integrate security practices and processes in the software delivery lifecycle, so that everyone from development to security and operations understands and contributes to the overall security of the applications and infrastructure. (eMag)

Oracle Labs’ Duncan MacGregor on Graal, TruffleRuby, & Project Loom

Duncan MacGregor speaks with Wes Reisz about the work being done on the experimental Graal Compiler. He talks about the use cases and where the new JIT compiler excels really well (compared to C2). In addition, MacGregor talks about the relationship of Graal to Truffle. The two then discuss a language MacGregor works on at OracleLabs (TruffleRuby) that is being implemented on the stack. (Podcast)

Nigel Dalton on Taking Back Management

In this podcast recorded at the Agile India conference Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Nigel Dalton, Chief Inventor at REA Group, about his experiences and the need to take back management as an important practice in today’s organizations. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. DeepMind's AI Defeats Top StarCraft Players

  2. A Framework for High-Value Big Data

  3. Microsoft Expands the Availability of Its Cognitive Services: Anomaly Detector and Custom Vision

Building Artificial General Intelligence

Peter Morgan takes a look at how deep learning is presently being extended in ways that take AI technologies far beyond the simple image classifiers that they were originally developed to solve. Morgan presents some of the newer more general approaches to solving intelligence that are currently under development with the view to deployment in the enterprise systems of the future. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is San Francisco, April 16-17, 2019. Join us!


  1. Uber Releases Kraken: An Open Source P2P Docker Registry

Linkerd v2: How Lessons from Production Adoption Resulted in a Rewrite of the Service Mesh

Linkerd 2.0 introduced a substantial rewrite of the widely adopted service mesh, using a split between Go and Rust. In this article, we discuss the lessons learned in the "cauldron of production adoption", and how those lessons became the basis of Linkerd 2.x’s philosophy, design, and implementation. (Article)

See what’s new in DevOps including:

  • Uber’s Kraken: An Open Source P2P Docker Registry
  • Lessons from 300k+ Lines of Infrastructure Code
  • The Three Faces of DevSecOps
  • And more...

Security & Psychology: Demotivating Persistent Threats

Jarrod Overson breaks down the workflow for effective threat mitigation of sophisticated attackers into four distinct stages: 1) Classification; 2) Research and generate an actor profile; 3) Counter attack, and 4) Rinse & repeat until all threats are cleared. (Presentation with transcript included)

Open Source Robotics: Hands on with Gazebo and ROS 2

Louise Poubel gives an overview of ROS (Robot Operating System) and Gazebo (a multirobot simulator), the problems they've been solving so far and what's on the roadmap for the future. In the second half of the talk, a hands-on demo walks through the creation of a robot in simulation and controlling and inspecting it using ROS 2, the next generation ROS. (Presentation with transcript included)

Using Quantum Computers to Simulate Chemistry

Peter Morgan shows how quantum computers can be used to simulate chemistry with applications in drug discovery, material science and industrial processes. (Presentation with transcript included)

QCon ’18 Retrospective eMag

A Collection of Lessons Learned from Netflix, Google, Uber, and others - Download Now (eMag)


  1. NSA Ghidra, a Reverse Engineering Tool, Runs on Java 11

  2. Wildfly 16: Improvements to Messaging and Clustering

How Expedia Is Getting Rid of Java Bean Transformers

Expedia created and released BULL, an open-source Java Bean transformer library that can automatically transform all kinds of beans, including immutable and mixed beans, not just the traditional mutable case. (Article)

High Performance Batch Processing

Mahmoud Ben Hassine and Michael Minella walk through performance tuning and scaling Spring Batch applications via the enhancements of 4.1. (Presentation)


  1. Nullable Reference Types in F# 5

Enabling .NET Apps with Monitoring and Management Using Steeltoe

Dave Tillman discusses using the Steeltoe Management frameworks to enable a .NET application with performance monitoring, management diagnostic endpoints, and distributed tracing on PCF. (Presentation)

New Capabilities and Product Strategy for .NET on PCF

Allan William Martin discusses the current status of .NET on PCF and some of the PCF main features supporting .NET applications. (Presentation)

.NET Core Fundamentals – Download the InfoQ eMag

Explore the benefits of .NET Core and how it can benefit not only traditional .NET developers but all technologists that need to bring robust, performant and economical solutions to the market. Download Now.


  1. Fastly Open-Sources Lucet, Its WebAssembly Compiler and Runtime

Mozilla Announces WASI Initiative to Run Web Assembly on All Devices, Computers, Operating Systems

Mozilla recently announced a new standardization effort aiming at running the same WebAssembly code across all devices, machines and operating systems. The new standard, WebAssembly System Interface (WASI), defines a single conceptual operating system interface, which can be implemented by multiple, actual operating systems. Mozilla and Fastly are already shipping prototypal WASI implementations. (News)


  1. ART Cloud Profiling to Improve Android App Performance

Engineering Dumb: Modern Mobile Thin Clients

Brandon John-Freso talks about building a complex feature at OkCupid and demonstrates a few design patterns to create remotely configurable layouts and behavior on-the-fly. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Migrating a Retail Monolith to Microservices: Sebastian Gauder at MicroXchg Berlin

Restoring Confidence in Microservices: Tracing That's More Than Traces

Ben Sigelman talks about rethinking distributed tracing in terms of the most vital organizational problems that microservices introduced, and makes the case that distributed tracing should be about much more than distributed traces. (Presentation with transcript included)

Complex Event Flows in Distributed Systems

Bernd Ruecker demonstrates how the new generation of lightweight and highly-scalable state machines ease the implementation of long running services. He shares how to handle complex logic and flows which require proper reactions on failures, timeouts and compensating actions and provides guidance backed by code examples to illustrate alternative approaches. (Presentation with transcript included)

See what’s new in Architecture including:

  • Mature Microservices and How to Operate Them
  • Developing Great Web APIs Architectures w/ ASP.NET Core 2.1
  • The Importance of Event-First Thinking
  • And more...



Getting Started with Distributed Tracing

Modern distributed systems are complex and it’s often difficult to determine what’s a transaction or what’s a request. Instrumenting with the OpenTracing API solves this growing and recognized problem – how to gain visibility into distributed systems. Learn More.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Discovering Culture through Artifacts: QCon London Q&A

  2. Tuckman Was Wrong! Doc Norton on Reteaming Models

  3. Web-Based Monte Carlo Simulation for Agile Estimation

  4. Building High-Quality Products with Distributed Teams

Q&A on the Book OpenSpace Beta - A Handbook for Organizational Transformation in Just 90 Days

The book OpenSpace Beta by Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging describes an invitation-based approach for rapid and lasting organizational change using concepts such as OpenSpace and the BetaCodex. It provides a visual timeline with roles and components to guide a co-creation based transformation. (Article)

The Failure of Focus

Liz Keogh discusses different strategies for approaching complex ecosystems, starting from where we are right now, and allowing innovation to emerge through obliquity, naivety, and serendipity. (Presentation)

Taking the Canary out of the Coal Mine

Mike Ruth discusses how canaries can take all shapes and sizes: Web servers, network devices, cloud instances, and numerous token variants. He digs into what a canary actually is, modern canary tools and services, how deploying canaries will provide an early warning against even the most careful attackers, and more. (Presentation with transcript included)

Automating Brownfield Application Modernization on Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Ashok Balasubramanian and Naman Kher demonstrate how Syntel has helped clients execute brownfield application modernization initiatives on PCF. (Presentation)

Mission Impossible: Deploying Pivotal Cloud Foundry to Nine Air Operational Sites in a Year

Davis Gunter and Darryl Smith discuss how the Air Operations Center of the US Air Force implemented continuous delivery on Pivotal Cloud Foundry. (Presentation)