In this issue, November 9, 2021 View it in your browser.

Apache Spark Pandas API, KubeCon Recap, DevSecOps, VSCode.Dev, Java Roundup, ML.NET, IIoT Security Threats, Airbnb Ottr PKI, Scaling Kafka Clusters, Human Side of Microservices

QCon London 2022: Find out what should be on your radar from the world’s most innovative software professionals.

How is software engineering evolving in 2022? What are the topics that matter in software development? Get these questions answered and stay ahead of the adoption curve. Attend in-person QCon London (April 4-6, 2022). Save £275 if you register before December 6th.



3 Superpowers for Next Level Microservices Orchestration

If you rely on microservices for process automation, don’t miss Camunda's next webinar to learn the 3 key ingredients to ensure your strategy is stable, scalable, and future-proofed. Register Now.

The InfoQ eMag: Architectures You’ve Always Wondered About

The “Architectures You’ve Always Wondered About” track at QCon is always filled with stories of innovative engineering solutions. Bringing those stories to our readers is at the core of InfoQ, and this eMag is a curated collection of some of the highlights over the past year. (eMag)

Michelle Brenner Builds Netflix Workstations and Enables Artists to Create From Anywhere

Producing television shows and movies at Netflix-scale means having a way to efficiently work with many artists and content creators. Netflix Workstations were created as a cloud-based solution to provide artists with secure access to the applications and content they need to complete their work. We talk about the benefits and trade-offs of the solution that enables artists to create from anywhere. (Podcast)

The Value of Playfulness and Mindfulness in Work

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, lead editor for culture & methods, spoke to Amaranatho Robey about playfulness, mindfulness and his journey from AI developer to monk to executive coach. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Baidu Announces 11 Billion Parameter Chatbot AI PLATO-XL

  2. Microsoft Releases Azure Open AI Service Including Access to Powerful GPT-3 Models

Apache Spark Brings Pandas API with Version 3.2

The Apache Spark team has integrated the Pandas API in the product's latest 3.2 release. With this change, dataframe processing can be scaled to multiple clusters or multiple processors in a single machine using the PySpark execution engine. (News)



9 Things Your Database Must Do

Download this eBook to learn how modern applications are reshaping the requirements for databases and changing the role of the DBA. You'll also explore the requirements for cloud-native architectures and tooling that make development easier. Download now.


  1. KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2021: Key Announcements and Q&A with Priyanka Sharma

  2. Amazon Releases DL1 Instances Powered by Gaudi Accelerators

  3. Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server

  4. ECS Anywhere and EKS Anywhere: Q&A with Deepak Singh of Amazon Web Services

  5. AWS Announces the General Availability and Open Sourcing of Babelfish for PostgreSQL

Serverless Solution to Offload Polling for Asynchronous Operation Status Using Amazon S3

This article proposes a solution to redirect the polling part to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) - a highly available, scalable, and secured object storage service managed by Amazon Web Services public cloud provider (AWS). It will present a serverless implementation using AWS Lambda functions, but this is not mandatory if you want to use S3. (Article)

DevSecOps: Not the Tools, the Other Bits

Mario Platt presents how to improve and integrate governance, team practices and maturity development in how output of tools are integrated. (Presentation with transcript included)



D2iQ Kubernetes Checklist

Our friends at D2iQ created this checklist to help IT pros like you identify opportunities to streamline processes, reduce overhead costs, and get the most out of your cloud Kubernetes investment. Download now!


  1. Swift Experimentally Introduces Support for Distributed Actors

  2. Microsoft Launches VSCode.Dev, Visual Studio Code in the Browser

Are Canary Releases an Alternative to Testers?

Canary releases enable product owners to check how a new feature is getting adopted by users by rolling it out to a small percentage of users and then incrementally rolling it out to a wider audience. Product owners might feel tempted to discontinue or reduce testing upon adopting canary releases, but decisions should be approached cautiously as they can have serious and unintended consequences. (Article)

Java News Roundup: Hibernate Reactive 1.0, Spring Updates, OpenJDK, Red Hat Introduces Cryostat 2.0

This week's Java roundup for October 25th, 2021, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 18, numerous updates on Spring projects, MicroStream 6.0, Quarkus 2.4.0, Hibernate Reactive 1.0, Open Liberty, Eclipse Vert.x 4.2.0, Red Hat introduces Cryostat 2.0, GraalVM Native Build Tools, Liberica Native Image Kit 21.3 and JDKMon 17.0.7. (News)



How to migrate from REST to GraphQL

Watch this tech talk on-demand to learn how to rethink your approach to APIs when you migrate from REST to GraphQL. Get best practices for developing GraphQL schemas on top of existing REST APIs, and more. Learn more.

Anomaly Detection Using ML.NET

In this article, the author introduces the concepts of Anomaly Detection using the Randomized PCA method. The theory behind the concepts is explained and exemplified. The method is demonstrated with a real-world scenario implemented using C# and ML.NET. (Article)

How to Harden Applications against IIoT Security Threats

This article will explore two sides of the IIoT security equation: understanding how and why IIoT systems can become vulnerable to hacking attempts, and which solutions and strategies are available to harden them. It will provide also a set of best practices to address IoT security concerns. (Article)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Airbnb Open Sources Ottr: a Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework

Building and Scaling a Control Plane for 1000s of Kafka Clusters

Gwen Shapira and Vivek Sharma discuss some architectural highlights of building, evolving and scaling a control plane for thousands of Kafka clusters, and some challenges encountered. (Presentation with transcript included)
Find out what should be on your radar from world-class domain experts. Discover emerging software trends and innovations. Save your place at QCon London, April 4-6, 2022..

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How Mob Programming Collective Habits Can be the Soil for Growing Technical Quality

How to Reduce Burnout in IT Security Teams

Burnout isn't a selfcare problem. The information security industry needs to take a deeper examination and create changes to allow for workers to have more flexibility and the ability to have balanced personal and work life. This article serves as a starting point by breaking down why burnout exists in InfoSec, why past solutions don’t work anymore, and how to actually reduce burnout in teams. (Article)

Applying Software Delivery Metrics and Analytics to Recover a Problem Project

Problem software delivery projects can be recovered mid-flight if Value Stream Management (VSM) analytics are used in a forensic way to uncover the root-cause of the issues. The root-cause metrics areas considered include: People Availability; Team Stress; Backlog Health; Sprint Accuracy; Process Efficiency; Story Management; and Defect Gen. A root-cause RAG reports shows key mitigations. (Article)

The Human Side of Airbnb’s Microservice Architecture

Jessica Tai discusses lessons learned by Airbnb from its migration to microservices, covering cross-team collaboration strategies, designing observability access control, and planning for unified APIs. (Presentation with transcript included)


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