TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 17, 2017

How Corporate 'Speech' Turns Citizens into Manic Consumers and Endangers Civil Society

By Jim Sleeper, AlterNet

Here's who's really taking aim at you. READ MORE»

Has Trump Cut a Deal with the National Archives to Keep Concealing Key JFK Assassination Documents?

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Plans for full disclosure by October 26 deadline are "in flux," says National Archives. READ MORE»

FBI Targets 'Black Identity Extremists' Despite Surge in White Supremacist Violence

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The Trump administration is coming dangerously close to labeling Black Lives Matter a terrorist group. READ MORE»

Trump's 'Adult Day Care' Is More Truth Than Fiction: Report

By Taylor Link, Salon

Trump’s staff has a full-time job keeping the president from destroying the world.  READ MORE»

Trump's Drug Czar Is Protecting Big Pharma's Opioid Epidemic

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Tom Marino wants to jail pot smokers, yet has a soft spot for the nation's biggest drug pushers. READ MORE»

NBA Coach Gregg Popovich Unloads on 'Soulless Coward' Trump in Rant for the Ages

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

"We have a pathological liar in the White House." READ MORE»

John McCain Scorches Trump's 'Half-Baked' Nationalism in Fiery Liberty Medal Speech

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The senator doesn't mince words when it comes to this president's abhorrent ideology. READ MORE»

A Libertarian Utopia Was Actually Tried—and It Failed Miserably

By Harry Blutstein, History News Network

Real estate developer Michael Oliver tried to start a new society in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. READ MORE»

Why Trump Is Pushing the U.S. to Abandon the World's Main Organization for Protecting Historic Sites

By Jonathan Cook, AlterNet

More depressing news about the power of the Israel lobby. READ MORE»

CNN's Don Lemon Has a Pretty Good Idea Why Trump Is So Furiously 'Jealous' of Obama

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The president is obsessed with his predecessor. READ MORE»

‘Dead Serious’ Pennsylvania GOP Mayoral Candidate Determined to Enact ‘Narco Bunnies’ Plan to Sniff Out Drugs

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

You can't make this stuff up.  READ MORE»

How the Right-Wing Indian Government Is Silencing Dissent

By Priti Gulati Cox, AlterNet

India's bravest dissenters are paying with their lives for exercising their democratic right to freedom of expression. READ MORE»

Robert Reich and CNN's Erin Burnett Take Turns Debunking Trump's Favorite Economist

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

Stephen Moore tried to rewrite history on the economic recovery. It didn't end well. READ MORE»

Three Takeaways From the Contraceptive Mandate Religious Liberty Debacle

By Patricia Miller, Religion Dispatches

Donald Trump cozies up to evangelicals, and millions of women suffer. READ MORE»

Big Food Is Starting to Worry About a Millennial Generation That's Not So Into Animal Products

By Nathan Runkle, AlterNet

Big Food is trying to figure out how to make people consume more animals. READ MORE»

4 Energy Cooperatives Leading the Way to a Sustainable Future

By Lynn Benander, Diego Angarita Horowitz, Isaac Baker, Island Press

Consumers across the U.S. are organizing to create a multiclass, multirace clean energy system that addresses socioeconomic and environmental justice. READ MORE»

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