Plus, more conservative attempts to eliminate Obamacare, and more…
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March 31, 2023
Putin’s Russia Is Going Broke Fast. Here’s Why.
While you may not have been looking, Europe stopped buying Russian oil and gas. And that’s just for starters.
by David Cay Johnston
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They’re probably elated. They’re probably freaking out. They probably—like the rest of us—have no idea of the consequences.
by Walter Shapiro
The departure of a controversial Republican sheriff gave hope to reformers in Western New York. But very little has changed.
by Raina Lipsitz
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Pundits desperately want a kinder, gentler version of the former president. They’ll have to keep looking.
by Alex Shephard
Texas Judge Reed O’Connor’s long-running judicial vaudeville act is back for another season.
by Matt Ford
Erica Berry’s book dissects the cultural fascination with wolves, as symbols of everything that terrifies us.
by Colin Dickey
Perhaps this is the beginning of holding Trump accountable for a multitude of crimes.
by Alex Shephard



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