Cancer Health Treatment Update
Many People Don’t Know HPV Causes Cancer

Vaccines could potentially eliminate cervical, anal, oral and other cancers caused by human papillomavirus.

The Role of Targeted Therapy in Treating Advanced Melanoma

Targeted therapies are an important part of the melanoma treatment arsenal, but where do they fit within the standard of care?

Growing Health and Wellness in the Community Garden

Jill Litt, PhD, led research demonstrating that participation in community gardening is associated with decreased cancer risk.

News From the AACR Annual Meeting
See all our reports from this major annual cancer research conference.
Cancer Health Spring 2023
Check out our latest print edition!
Cancer Health now offers individual newsletters for people interested in specific cancer types. Get the latest cancer news tailored to your needs and interests delivered to your inbox. To update your preferences and start getting cancer-specific newsletters, please visit your personal preferences page.
As Pandemic Emergencies End, People Battling Long COVID Feel ‘Swept Under the Rug’

Many people experiencing lingering effects of the virus say they feel angry and abandoned by policymakers eager to move on.

More News About COVID-19
See all Cancer Health's coverage of COVID-19, including how it affects people living with cancer. For more news about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, visit our sister site, COVID

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