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Did you see this?


This is Alex Jones.

Listen, I've been keeping something under wraps for quite some time…

It’s called ResetWars… and it’s finally LIVE.

The reason I haven’t released it until NOW is because right now, I’ve got a court-issued subpoena hanging over my head.

… And there’s a chance this subpoena can lead to ResetWars getting shut down.

For years, as you know, so many different powers in charge have gone all out on silencing me…

I’ve been sued, slandered, and there have even been times I’ve received death threats.

But they’re not just attacking me…

They’re going after anyone who broadcasts anything that directly contradicts the elite’s agenda.

Anyone can clearly see what’s actually taking place.

You have to understand this…

There is a global agenda unfolding right now….

… And the elites do NOT want you to get access to the information that exposes their plan.

That’s why I’m sending you this email because I don’t know how much time I have left…

… and you need to see the information I’ve put together for you on the link below.

I’m about to go LIVE covering this topic. 

Will you support us and your freedom?

Alex Jones
Founder, InfoWars