This week's FierceBiotech is brought to you by Premier Research.

Digital Derm Disruption: Will Technology Change Everything?

The Dermatology Drug Development Summit coming up October 9-11 reminds us that treatment of skin disorders is changing dramatically as technology caters to patients who prefer online services to in-person assistance. High-definition digital imagery is giving rise to a booming field of virtual dermatology with profound impact on clinical trials, as we explain in our Premier Perspectives one-pager.

A sample of what’s changing:

  • Shorter wait times. Patients skip office visits by sending high-quality photos to providers, bypassing the hassle of scheduling and travel
  • Lower costs. Dermatologists embracing digital technology incur lower costs that can be passed along to consumers
  • Virtual clinical trials. Sponsors are using webcams and other technology as alternatives to conventional site-based clinical trials, lowering R&D costs and easing the burden on patients

There’s lots more in our new one-pager, so check it out – and meet us at the Dermatology Drug Development Summit next month to learn more!

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