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Telecoms May Face Shortages; Really Real-Time Data Analytics; Learning from LockBit Ransomware

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InformationWeek Data Analytics
July 10, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Digital Humans: Fad or Future?
Meet your new virtual assistant. It’s artificial intelligence with personality, perception -- and an attitude.

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Communications May Take Brunt of Next Chip Material Shortage

China’s plans to limit exports of certain chipmaking elements could affect the telecom space more than other sectors, says Forrester analyst.
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What Does Real-time Really Mean In Data Analytics?

Before jumping into real-time data analytics, organizations should define what they mean by ‘real time’ in their specific business use case.
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LockBit Hits TSMC for $70 Million Ransom: What CIOs Can Learn

Notorious ransomware gang Lockbit uses compromised third-party IT hardware supplier Kinmax to steal chipmaker's data and make an eyewatering extortion demand. What should CIOs and IT execs learn?
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Tech Company Layoffs: The COVID Tech Bubble Bursts
UPDATED July 10, 2023 -- As COVID drove everyone online, tech companies hired like crazy. Now we are hitting the COVID tech bust as tech giants shed jobs by the thousands. Check back regularly for updates to our IT job layoffs tracker. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Industries Hiring Tech Workers Now
Tech companies have been laying off workers at a rapid pace, but plenty of other industries are looking to hire those who’ve been let go. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Skills: Top 10 Programming Languages for 2023
If you’re working in enterprise IT (or looking for a job), you probably need to know at least one of these programming languages. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hardest IT Jobs to Fill
If you’re an IT leader or tech manager struggling to hire for one of these positions, you’re not alone. If you’re an IT professional with experience in these roles, you’re in luck. Read More
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