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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Continuity Across Restarts

There are a lot of database platforms, and each tries to convince you theirs is better. As Brent points out in that link, sometimes they just skip comparing themselves to other platforms because it makes them look better. They only look at the platforms they compete well against.

For most of us, we often just need basic CRUD operations. I know that most RDBMS platforms would work for us, and sometimes NoSQL ones work as well, though I think that NoSQL isn't necessarily better for many applications (maybe most). You may feel differently, but that's my view. While I use SQL Server, I think the majority of systems I've managed or built could easily run on MySQL, PostgreSQL, or many other platforms.

In any case, we want to store some data, get it back, maybe change it, and sometimes delete it. I think that last operation is fairly rare as most of us use soft deletes and because of this, our databases continue to grow like crazy. There was an interesting post from Brent on MySQL in AWS Aurora, where the buffer pool cache can survive a restart of the database engine. This is for the cloud version from AWS, not MySQL in general, but that's fairly cool to me.

And scary.

If you read more, there are some limitations, and the value of this, to me, is limited. However, it's a neat idea, since I could see some sort of restart of the database from a patch for the engine or even a configuration change. For MySQL, clients can't connect while the buffer pool is initialized, which isn't something that we deal with in SQL Server, but I can see this being useful. Or perhaps this helps if an Aurora node goes down and the next one picks up the database engine with a full buffer pool? Not sure if that actually happens from the docs, but if they kept the buffer pool separate enough or up to date on a second node, that would be great.

In the real world, I wonder to what extent we find an empty buffer pool at startup to be a problem. Sure the first few queries are slow, but most of the workload isn't the first few queries. It's all the clients that come in the next 5, 10, 20 minutes.

As Brent notes, this might not be something we want in SQL Server, but it is good to see cloud-enabled platforms trying something new. Some of those will turn out to not work very well, but for those that do, I bet we see other platforms start to adopt some of the ideas behind the technology.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

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SQLServerCentral Article

Dimensional Modelling Case Study Part 1 - Age Group

Hang Liu from SQLServerCentral

Learn how you can handle dimensional modeling in a data warehouse when your data uses different categorization for ages.

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Counting more efficiently

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Nearly a decade ago, I wrote a post called “Bad habits : Counting rows the hard way.” In that post, I talked about how we can use SQL Server’s metadata to instantly retrieve the row count for a table.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Why you should consider Power BI Cleaner

Joyful Craftsmen from Joyful Craftsmen Blog

You have probably created various auxiliary tables, columns or metrics during report development. Before the final deployment of the report into production, it is necessary to delete these auxiliary...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Baby Steps and Continuous Improvement

Kenneth.Fisher from SQLStudies

It’s the last Friday of the year and I’ve been struggling to think of a good way to close things ... Continue reading

Big Data Analytics cover

Big Data Analytics with Spark: A Practitioner's Guide to Using Spark for Large Scale Data Analysis

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

Big Data Analytics with Spark is a step-by-step guide for learning Spark, which is an open-source fast and general-purpose cluster computing framework for large-scale data analysis. You will learn how to use Spark for different types of big data analytics projects, including batch, interactive, graph, and stream data analysis as well as machine learning. In addition, this book will help you become a much sought-after Spark expert.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Rounding Numerics

I have this code on SQL Server 2019:
SET ARITHABORT ON; GO DECLARE @result DECIMAL(5, 2), @value_1 DECIMAL(5, 4), @value_2 DECIMAL(5, 4); SET @value_1 = 1.1234; SET @value_2 = 1.1234 ; SELECT @result = @value_1 + @value_2; SELECT @result; GO
What setting of NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT will return an error from this code?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Adding a PK - I

I have this code:

CREATE TABLE SalesTracking ( SalesDate DATETIME , SalesPersonID INT , CustomerID INT , PONumber VARCHAR(80) , paid bit ) GO CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX SalesTrackingCDX ON dbo.SalesTracking (SalesDate) GO ALTER TABLE dbo.SalesTracking ADD CONSTRAINT SalesTrackingPK PRIMARY KEY (PONumber) GO 

What happens when I run this on SQL Server 2022?

Answer: The code errors out on the ALTER INDEX statement because of the column setting

Explanation: The ALTER INDEX statement errors because the column is nullable. Ref: Create Primary Keys -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2017 - Administration
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SQL Server 2017 - Development
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SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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Analysis Services
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Integration Services
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SQL Server 2022 - Administration
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SQL Server 2022 - Development
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