BioOx Air Cleaning Systems

Swimmer's Nose? Dirty Air and Under-Chlorinated Pool Water Wreak Havoc on Nasal Passages.  BioOx Avoids Nasal Distress and Sick Days for Swimmers

On August 19, 2019, published an article exploring a frequent side effect of swimming: sneezing and a runny nose. The article noted that chronic sinusitis is a threat to the health of both competitive and leisure swimmers.

The culprit? Dirty pool air and water. Yuck. Because the nose is lined with a mucous membrane that is highly sensitive to infections and inflammation from bacteria, viruses and environmental irritants, exposure to chlorine fumes and toxic micro-particulates called chloramines in swimming pools presents a high risk of nasal symptoms and sinusitis for swimmers. When pool water enters the nasal passages repeatedly during swimming, the nasal tissue becomes inflamed and produces an excessive amount of nasal discharge, or a runny nose.

While the exact cause of “swimmer’s nose” may vary, the condition typically arises from chlorine fumes and under-chlorinated dirty pool water which inherently contains chloramine, a nitrous substance that develops when body waste and chlorine unite. These irritants cause the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity to become inflamed, setting off an allergy-like response of a runny nose and sneezing. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the swelling of the nasal passages can prevent the sinuses from draining, leading to potentially chronic sinusitis in frequent swimmers and swim athletes as well as painful bacteria-associated sinus infections. Other associated symptoms include headaches, sinus pressure and pain and nightime cough.

While doctors typically recommend that swimmers who suffer from chronic nasal discharge use nasal sprays and nose clips, preventing the problem in the first place is always the best solution. Aquatics facility operators are turning to BioOx® to create a hyperclean air zone at indoor swimming pools by eliminating toxic micro-particulates from the air that lead to nasal symptoms with BioOx.

Clean pool air important for athletes, coaches, spectators and lifeguards.
BioOx Minimizes The Risk of “Swimmer’s Nose”
BioOx is a 100 percent natural microbial enzymatic solution that neutralizes chlorine fumes, chloramines and airborne irritants in indoor swimming environments via a bio-oxidation process, creating a healthy, constant clean air zone. As the world’s first and only biological air scrubber, BioOx completely eradicates the smallest micro-particulates that comprise airborne allergens, bacteria, viruses, odors, fumes, contaminants and toxins, making indoor air and pool water safe for all swimmers while minimizing the risk of nasal sensitivity reactions.
How BioOx Works
The BioOx enzyme attracts toxic micro-particulates such as those produced by chlorine and its by-products, as well as viruses, dust, gases, and bacteria that constantly circulate in indoor pools. A bioreactor unit containing the proprietary BioOx enzymatic microbial media attracts these airborne toxins, causing an immediate bio-oxygenation process that fully DESTROYS odors and airborne contaminants. Any contaminants the BioOx media cannot fully break down and eradicate (such as metal particles) fall to the bottom of the reactor where they become inert disposable sediment. BioOx systems fully decontaminate indoor air, rendering agents such as chlorine fumes and byproducts, viruses, bacteria, dust, ammonia, and formaldehyde harmless.  
Why Aquatics Facilities Directors Choose BioOx
Aquatics facilities directors and swimming coaches across the U.S., including those at New York University, Emory University, Princeton High School, Hagerstown YMCA and others have turned to BioOx to provide a permanent CLEAN AIR ZONE in their swimming facilities. This clean air zone enables athletes, lifeguards, and leisure swimmers alike to avoid nasal and respiratory distress as well as ocular and dermatologic irritation, empowering them to deliver their best performance every single day and thrive in a healthy clean air environment.
While extremely popular, standard air filtration systems -- even those created with HEPA technology -- do not eradicate chlorine gases, fumes and byproducts that cause nasal, lung, eye and skin irritation for swimmers.
Even the most expensive standard air filtration systems do not effectively break down and destroy the smallest of airborne particulates -– the chloramines that cause chlorine fumes and exposure irritation -- as only BioOx does. BioOx effectively, efficiently, and relatively inexpensively, destroys the smallest of micro-particulates down to those measuring 0.0001 microns. HEPA technology can only capture microns as small as 0.3 and has no ability to destroy pollutants since HEPA technology cannot SCRUB the air as only BioOx does.
BioOx reactors emit a natural enzyme to SCRUB the air, creating a CLEAN AIR ZONE in your pool area or any other part of your facility, such as locker rooms, offices, cafeterias, etc. Best of all, BioOx technology, while extremely powerful in its performance, is simple and compact, without need for an arduous “installation: the quiet units simply plug into electrical outlets. No drilling, construction, rewiring or filter maintenance of any kind is necessary. Every facility is already BioOx-ready!!
For a demo of the BioOx technology, contact the BioOx team at (301) 246-0151 or send an email through the website.
Bio Ox Air Cleaning System Unit CAP 300
Learn More About BioOx
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