Enroll Now: Become a Costa Rica Specialist!

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Travel Agent Academy
Costa Rica Specialist Program
Become a Costa Rica Specialist!
From its golden shores, playful waves and fish-filled waters to its mystical rainforests, simmering hot springs and majestic volcanoes, Costa Rica brims with "pure life." In two recently streamlined chapters, you can easily learn how to tap into these extensive offerings for clients seeking adventure, natural beauty, fascinating culture, wellness and romance. Features include downloadable information sheets on top outdoor attractions, culinary specialties and sustainability, as well as an index of links in each chapter to guide you in adding the perfect touches to your clients’ dream vacations.
Costa Rica Specialist Program
What You'll Learn
•How to experience "the pure life" (la pura vida) through Costa Rica's happy people, clean food and natural surroundings
•The elements of a wellness vacation, such as "Forest Baths" and "Earthing"
•Details about Costa Rica's immense biodiversity and its amazing creatures
•Options for family, romance and accessible travel
•The best places to surf, dive, hike, fish, view wildlife, zipline, kayak and so much more
•Top outdoor attractions by region, information on sustainability, and recommendations on regional food specialties, all available in downloadable PDFs
Agents certified through The Travel Institute can earn credits toward maintaining their certification upon completion of this course.
Costa Rica Specialist

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