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How does your business measure up?

63% of organizations surveyed are buying advertising programmatically.

Adweek and Dun & Bradstreet surveyed over 150 B2B marketers to take their pulse on the state of programmatic advertising and digital marketing. Download the 2018 B2B Advertising & Marketing Outlook to gain a clearer picture on exactly how the B2B community will be investing and leveraging programmatic as part of their data-driven marketing strategies in 2018 and beyond.

You’ll learn:

  • How B2B marketers are approaching programmatic advertising
  • Where budgets are being allocated for programmatic
  • The biggest obstacles to programmatic success
  • Strategies for moving to the next level of programmatic led by data-based personalization and ABM
  • The new alignment between sales and marketing to drive advertising

Want to know more about our solutions for increasing the precision of your programmatic advertising? Click here.