These stainless steel watches with mesh strap have a super-impressive minimalist design. 
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CASIO 03 | 2022
CASIO Vintage A1000MA-7EF, A1000MGA-5EF 
Hello John Do!
The new CASIO A1000 Artisan style in gold or silver looks like it belongs in your favourite vintage shop and evokes a sense of craftsmanship with its antique look.
Discover the A1000 here
First MR-G range in an iconic design
The G-SHOCK MRG-B5000 evokes the iconic design of the first-ever G-SHOCK model from 1983, the DW-5000C. But there is one key difference — it is made from extremely high-quality materials: The bezel is made of COBARION®, a metal alloy that is twice as tough as stainless steel, while the housing is made of Ti64 titanium and the strap is made of a very strong DAT55 titanium alloy. Thanks to solar power, Bluetooth® and radio signal reception, is it 100% accurate — wherever you are!
View the classic watch
Time for a sporty design  
Treat yourself to a cool design with real wow factor: The sporty EDIFICE ECB-S100HG made from black stainless steel with a striking play of colours on the dial. Equipped with Bluetooth®, Tough Solar, lap memory and many other functions, this model gives you everything you need, whenever you need it. 
View the chronographs
More inspiration with Vocal Synthesis technology 
The CT-S1000V redefines the art of playing the keyboard! The unique Vocal Synthesis technology is at the heart of this keyboard, opening up new creative possibilities: Listen to your lyrics being sung whilst playing tunes on the keyboard. Tip: Experience the track "Disappear" by Perera Elsewhere with Vocal Synthesis and integrated singing.
Watch the video now
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